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Knowledgebase : SQL Language Support (Syntax)

 [QXL-DESKTOP] & [QXL-ONLINE] FUNCTION LIST QXL Desktop uses the QODBC Desktop driver to query QuickBooks Desktop. Commands available in QODBC Desktop will also work in the QXL desktop application. QXL Online uses the QODBC Online driver to query Quick...
[QXL- DESKTOP] & [QXL- ONLINE] STORED PROCEDURES COMMAND LIST QXL Desktop uses the QODBC Desktop driver to query QuickBooks Desktop. Commands available in QODBC Desktop will also work in the QXL desktop application. QXL Online uses the QODBC Online dri...
THE INPUT STRING WAS NOT IN A CORRECT FORMAT / THE INPUT STRING WAS NOT IN THE CORRECT FORMAT PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: I am running QXL and MS Office 365. I have tried exporting to XLSX, XLS, and even CSV format, but only the file header row writes. Als...
TROUBLESHOOTING - GETTING UNEXPECTED EXTRA TOKEN ERROR IN DATE FIELD QUERY PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: I am trying to query the Transaction table based on the TxnDate field. I tried the below code. OdbcCommand SourceCmd = new OdbcCommand("Select * from Tra...
TROUBLESHOOTING - GETTING QODBC NOT SUPPORTED ERROR WHILE INSERTING INVOICE PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: I am trying to insert an Invoice, But I am getting the below error: [QODBC] Not supported (#10003) I am using below SQL statements: INSERT INTO "Invo...
TROUBLESHOOTING - ERROR WHILE INSERTING BILL PROBLEM DESCRIPTION 1: I am following the below steps and getting the error. 1. First, we inserted the records in Bill & BillExpenseLine table, and the papers got inserted successfully. 2. Second, we are i...
TROUBLESHOOTING - QREMOTE DOES NOT CONSIDER FQSAVETOCACHE WITH WORKING WITH ODBCCOMMAND & PARAMETERS PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: QRemote Does not consider FQSaveToCache with working with OdbcCommand & Parameters. I have an application that creates Sales Orde...
PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: How to use parameters in OPENQUERY SOLUTIONS: OPENQUERY does not accept variables for its arguments. You need to Pass Basic Values as below example: SELECT QUERY: DECLARE @TSQL VARCHAR(8000), @ID VARCHAR(25) SELECT @ID = '1...
TROUBLESHOOTING - HOW TO SELECT A RECORD WHEN THE VALUE IS NULL PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: I am trying to run a report that returns ItemInventory where LastReceived is NULL. I have tried in vain to accomplish this. What syntax do you use to select a blank/nu...
TROUBLESHOOTING - HOW TO USE DATE() AND DATEADD() FUNCTION IN QODBC PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: I want to write some select statements on InvoiceLine and SalesReceiptLine that return all records dated WITHIN the past 30 days relative to whatever TODAY is. I'm...
TROUBLESHOOTING - HOW TO CREATE A BLANK INVOICE IN QUICKBOOKS ONLINE USING QODBC PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: How do I create a note (or a blank line) on the invoice? If I do it the same way that I do it using QODBC for QuickBooks, I get an error : Error send...
TROUBLESHOOTING - CANNOT USE ALIAS IN MS QUERY PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: I am getting the below error message when trying to SELECT data fields AS Alias, the statement runs fine otherwise. [sql syntax error] Expected lexical element not found:= Please se...
TROUBLESHOOTING - MULTIPLE TABLES EXIST ERROR IN THE LINKED SERVER PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: I am trying to run a query using an SQL Server database link to QuickBooks using QRemote. I can set up the linked server fine in SQL Server, and the connection has b...
TROUBLESHOOTING - HOW TO GET ALT.EMAIL1,2 & CC EMAIL FIELDS FROM A THE CUSTOMER TABLE PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: How do I access the alternate email address 1 and 2 and the cc email fields? I don't see them at the customer table. SOLUTIONS: You can get CC ...
TROUBLESHOOTING - FREEZING QUICKBOOKS, SLOW QUERY RUNNING. PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: When I run a report query, the query works very slowly & takes about 1-5 mins per simple report like: "sp_report ARAgingSummary show Current parameters DateFrom={d'2014-11-...
TROUBLESHOOTING - INTERNAL ERROR WHEN PROCESSING THE QBXML REQUEST PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: I have QuickBooks 2014 version & I am using QODBC's latest version. I have a problem with querying the customer table using QODBC. QODBC driver consistently gets s...
TROUBLESHOOTING: ERROR 3250 - THIS FEATURE IS NOT ENABLED OR NOT AVAILABLE IN THIS VERSION OF QUICKBOOKS. PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: I am getting the error "Error 3250 - This feature is not enabled or not available in this version of QuickBooks." while I am ...
TROUBLESHOOTING - ERROR [42S00] [QODBC] INSERT VALUE MUST BE A SIMPLE VALUE PROBLEM DESCRIPTION 1: We have a customer trying to import a credit memo from our database into QuickBooks using a program. They are getting the following error: ERROR [4...
PROBLEM DESCRIPTION 1: I'm working in PHP and using the QODBC Test Tool. I am trying to Insert value into the Customer table. But I am getting the below error: EXPECTED LEXICAL ELEMENT NOT FOUND: My insert statement is: Insert into Customer (...
TROUBLESHOOTING: EXPECTED LEXICAL ELEMENT NOT FOUND PROBLEM DESCRIPTION  When trying to execute a query statement, I get the error message " EXPECTED LEXICAL ELEMENT NOT FOUND." SOLUTIONS It seems to be the issue in the SQL Statement. Please check al...
TROUBLESHOOTING: QUICKBOOKS DATA RETURN AS NULL(NVARCHAR ONLY) WITH SSIS PROBLEM DESCRIPTION We are using the QODBC driver for connecting QuickBooks with SSIS. I can able to connect with QuickBooks through SSIS. But Quick books Ex: LIST ID) nvarchar da...
[QODBC-ALL] & [QXL- ALL] FUNCTION LIST Applicable to [QODBC-Desktop], [QODBC-Online], [QODBC-POS], [QXL- Desktop] & [QXL- Online] FUNCTIONS This is a list of all of the SQL functions supported by the QODBC Driver and their associated syntax. QODBC ...
[QODBC-ALL] & [QXL- ALL] STORED PROCEDURES COMMAND LIST Applicable to [QODBC-Desktop], [QODBC-Online], [QODBC-POS], [QXL- Desktop] & [QXL- Online] STORED PROCEDURES SP_COLUMNS _table name_ INSTRUCTION: Returns a recordset of the columns in the speci...