[QODBC-ALL] & [QXL- ALL] QODBC & QXL Function List
Posted by Juliet (QODBC Support) on 28 July 2009 09:29 AM

[QODBC-ALL] & [QXL- ALL] Function List

Applicable to [QODBC-Desktop], [QODBC-Online], [QODBC-POS], [QXL- Desktop] & [QXL- Online] 



     This is a list of all of the SQL functions supported by the QODBC Driver and their associated syntax.

QODBC String Functions

ASCII ( string_exp )

Instruction: Returns the ASCII code value of the leftmost character of string_exp as an integer.

Example: SELECT {fn ASCII("Name")} AS "ASCII", "Name" FROM Customer


65 Adam's Candy Shop
65 Andres, Cristina
66 Balak, Mike
51 330 Main St
82 Residential
66 Blackwell, Edward
67 Chapman, Natalie
67 Cheknis, Benjamin
67 Corcoran, Carol


CHAR ( code )

Instruction: Returns the character with the ASCII code value specified by the code. The code value should be between 0 and 255; otherwise, the return value is data source-dependent.

Example: SELECT {fn CHAR(65)} +  {fn CHAR(66)} AS "APlusB", "Name" FROM Customer


APlusB Name
AB Adam's Candy Shop
AB Andres, Cristina
AB Balak, Mike
AB 330 Main St
AB Residential


CONCAT ( string_exp1, string_exp2 )

Instruction: Returns a character string that results from concatenating string_exp2 to string_exp1. A NULL value will be returned if the column represented by string_exp1 or string_exp2 contains a NULL value.

Example: SELECT {fn CONCAT("BillAddressState", "BillAddressPostalCode")} AS "STZip", "Name" FROM Customer


STZip Name
CA94555 Adam's Candy Shop
CA94326 Andres, Cristina
CA94326 Balak, Mike
CA94326 330 Main St
CA94326 Residential


DIFFERENCE ( string_exp1, string_exp2 )

Instruction: Returns an integer value that indicates the difference between the values returned by the SOUNDEX function for string_exp1 and string_exp2.

Example: SELECT {fn DIFFERENCE("Name", 'Abercrombie, Kristy')} AS "Difference", "Name" FROM Customer


Difference Name
199949 Adam's Candy Shop
1102999 Andres, Cristina
9910829 Balak, Mike
1099949 330 Main St
169901831 Residential


INSERT ( string_exp1, start, length, string_exp2 )

Instruction: Returns a character string where length characters have been deleted from the string_exp1 beginning at the start and where string_exp2 has been inserted into string_exp1, beginning at the start.

Example: SELECT {fn INSERT("Name", 3, 2, '*Inserted*')} AS "Inserted", "Name" FROM Customer


Inserted Name
Ad*Inserted*'s Candy Shop Adam's Candy Shop
An*Inserted*es, Cristina Andres, Cristina
Ba*Inserted*k, Mike Balak, Mike
33*Inserted* Main St 330 Main St
Re*Inserted*dential Residential


LCASE ( string_exp )

Instruction: Converts all uppercase characters in string_exp to lowercase.

Example: SELECT {fn LCASE("Name")} AS "LCase", "Name" FROM Customer


LCase Name
adam's candy shop Adam's Candy Shop
Andres, Cristina Andres, Cristina
Balak, mike Balak, Mike
330 main st 330 Main St
residential Residential


UCASE ( string_exp )

Instruction: Converts all lowercase characters in string_exp to uppercase.

Example: SELECT {fn UCASE("Name")} AS "UCase", "Name" FROM Customer


UCase Name
ANDRES, CRISTINA Andres, Cristina
BALAK, MIKE Balak, Mike
330 MAIN ST 330 Main St


LEFT ( string_exp, count )

Instruction: Returns the leftmost count of characters of string_exp.

Example: SELECT {fn LEFT("Name", 5)} AS "Left5", "Name" FROM Customer


Left5 Name
Adam' Adam's Candy Shop
Andre Andres, Cristina
Balak Balak, Mike
330 M 330 Main St
Resid Residential


RIGHT ( string_exp, count )

Instruction: Returns the rightmost count of characters of string_exp.

Example: SELECT {fn RIGHT(“Name”, 5)} AS "Right5", "Name" FROM Customer


Right5 Name
Shop Adam's Candy Shop
Stina Andres, Cristina
Mike Balak, Mike
In St 330 Main St
ntial Residential


LENGTH ( string_exp )

Instruction: Returns the number of characters in string_exp, excluding trailing blanks and the string termination character.

Example: SELECT {fn LENGTH("Name")} AS "Length", "Name" FROM Customer


Length Name
17 Adam's Candy Shop
16 Andres, Cristina
11 Balak, Mike
11 330 Main St
11 Residential


BIT_LENGTH ( string_exp )

Instruction: Returns the bit length of string_exp, excluding trailing blanks and the string termination character.

Example: SELECT {fn BIT_LENGTH("Name")} AS "BitLength", "Name" FROM Customer


BitLength Name
136 Adam's Candy Shop
128 Andres, Cristina
88 Balak, Mike
88 330 Main St
88 Residential


CHAR_LENGTH ( string_exp )

Instruction: Returns the number of chars in string_exp, excluding trailing blanks and the string termination character.

Example: SELECT {fn CHAR_LENGTH("Name")} AS "CharLength", "Name" FROM Customer


CharLength Name
17 Adam's Candy Shop
16 Andres, Cristina
11 Balak, Mike
11 330 Main St
11 Residential


CHARACTER_LENGTH ( string_exp )

Instruction: Returns the number of characters in string_exp, excluding trailing blanks and the string termination character. (Almost the same as the LENGTH function)

Example: SELECT {fn CHARACTER_LENGTH("Name")} AS "CharacterLength", "Name" FROM Customer


CharacterLength Name
17 Adam's Candy Shop
16 Andres, Cristina
11 Balak, Mike
11 330 Main St
11 Residential


OCTET_LENGTH ( string_exp )

Instruction: Returns the octet length of string_exp, excluding trailing blanks and the string termination character. (Almost the same as the LENGTH function)

Example: SELECT {fn OCTET_LENGTH("Name")} AS "OctetLength", "Name" FROM Customer


OctetLength Name
17 Adam's Candy Shop
16 Andres, Cristina
11 Balak, Mike
11 330 Main St
11 Residential


LOCATE ( string_exp1, string_exp2[, start] )

Instruction: Returns the starting position of the first occurrence of string_exp1 within string_exp2. The search for the first occurrence of string_exp1 begins with the first position in string_exp2 unless the optional argument is specified. If start is set, the search begins with the character position indicated by the valuebirth. The first character position in string_exp2 is indicated by the value 1. If string_exp1 is not found within string_exp2, the value 0 is returned.

Example: SELECT {fn LOCATE('a', "Name", 2)} AS "LocationOfA", "Name" FROM Customer


location of Name
3 Adam's Candy Shop
16 Andres, Cristina
2 Balak, Mike
6 330 Main St
10 Residential


LTRIM ( string_exp )

Instruction: Returns the characters of string_exp, with leading blanks removed.

Example: SELECT {fn LTRIM("Name")} AS "LTrim", "Name" FROM Customer


LTrim Name
Adam's Candy Adam's Candy Shop
Andres, Cristina Andres, Cristina
Balak, Mike Balak, Mike
330 Main St 330 Main St
Residential Residential


RTRIM ( string_exp )

Instruction: Returns the characters of string_exp, with trailing blanks removed.

Example: SELECT {fn RTRIM("Name")} AS "RTrim", "Name" FROM Customer


trim Name
Adam's Candy Shop Adam's Candy Shop
Andres, Cristina Andres, Cristina
Balak, Mike Balak, Mike
330 Main St 330 Main St
Residential Residential


REPEAT ( string_exp1, repeat times )

Instruction: Returns the characters of string_exp1, repeating it repeat times.

Example: SELECT {fn REPEAT("Name",2)} as "Repeat2","Name" FROM Customer


Repeat2 Name
Adam's Candy Shop Adam's Candy Shop Adam's Candy Shop
Andres, Cristina Andres, Cristina Andres, Cristina
Balak, Mike Balak, Mike Balak, Mike
330 Main St330 Main St 330 Main St
Residential Residential Residential


POSITION ( string_exp1, string_exp2 )

Instruction: Returns an integer value that shows the position where string_exp1 first begins in string_exp2 (including spaces)

Example: SELECT {fn POSITION('a' IN "Name")} As "PositionOfA", "Name" FROM Customer


PositionOfA Name
1 Adam's Candy Shop
1 Andres, Cristina
2 Balak, Mike
0 330 Main St
0 Residential


REPLACE ( string_exp1, string_exp2,string_exp3 )

Instruction: Returns the characters of string_exp3, which takes the place of string_exp2 value in column string_exp1.

Example: SELECT {fn REPLACE("NAME",'330 Main St','abc')} AS "Replace","Name" FROM Customer


Replace Name
Adam's Candy Shop Adam's Candy Shop
Andres, Cristina Andres, Cristina
Balak, Mike Balak, Mike
abc 330 Main St
Residential Residential


SOUNDEX ( string_exp )

Instruction: Returns a character string representing the sound of the words in string_exp .

Example: SELECT {fn SOUNDEX("Name")} AS "Soundex", "Name" FROM Customer


Soundex Name
AMAMACD 330 Main St
RACADAMDAL Residential


SPACE ( count )

Instruction: Returns a character string consisting of count spaces.

Example: SELECT '[' + {fn SPACE(10)} + ']' AS "TenSpaces", "Name" FROM Customer


TenSpaces Name
[ ] Adam's Candy Shop
[ ] Andres, Cristina
[ ] Balak, Mike
[ ] 330 Main St
[ ] Residential


SUBSTRING ( string_exp, start, length )

Instruction: Returns a character string that is derived from string_exp beginning at the character position specified by start for length characters.

Example: SELECT {fn SUBSTRING("Name", 2, 5)} AS "Middle5Characters", "Name" FROM Customer


Middle5Characters Name
dam's Adam's Candy Shop
ndres Andres, Cristina
alak, Balak, Mike
30 Ma 330 Main St
eside Residential



QODBC Numeric Functions

ABS ( numeric_exp|float_exp|integer_exp )

Instruction: Returns the absolute value of numeric_exp .

Example: SELECT "Name", {fn ABS(Balance)} AS "ABSBalance", "Balance" FROM Customer


Name ABSBalance Balance
Adam's Candy 40.00 40.00
Andres, Cristina 0.00 0.00
Balak, Mike 0.00 0.00
330 Main St 180.00 180.00
Residential 0.00 0.00


ACOS ( float_exp )

Instruction: Returns the arccosine of float_exp as an angle, expressed in radians.

Example: SELECT {fn ACOS({fn CONVERT(0, SQL_FLOAT)})} AS "ACOSValue", CompanyName AS "CompanyName" FROM Company


ACOSValue CompanyName
1.570796 Larry's


ASIN ( float_exp )

Instruction: Returns the arcsine of float_exp as an angle, expressed in radians.

Example: SELECT {fn ASIN({fn CONVERT(0, SQL_FLOAT)})} AS "ASINValue", CompanyName AS "CompanyName" FROM Company


ASINValue CompanyName
1.570796 Larry's


ATAN ( float_exp )

Instruction: Returns the arctangent of float_exp as an angle, expressed in radians.

Example: SELECT {fn ATAN({fn CONVERT(1, SQL_FLOAT)})} AS "ATANValue", CompanyName AS “CompanyName” FROM Company


ATANValue CompanyName
0.785398 Larry's


ATAN2 ( float_exp1, float_exp2 )

Instruction: Returns the arctangent of the x and y coordinates specified by float_exp1 and float_exp2 , respectively, as an angle, expressed in radians.

Example: SELECT {fn ATAN2({fn CONVERT(1, SQL_FLOAT)}, {fn CONVERT(2, SQL_FLOAT)})} AS "ATAN2Value", CompanyName AS “CompanyName” FROM Company


ATAN2Value CompanyName
0.463648 Larry's


COS ( float_exp )

Instruction: Returns the cosine of float_exp, where float_exp is an angle expressed in radians.

Example: SELECT {fn COS({fn CONVERT(1, SQL_FLOAT)})} AS "COSValue", CompanyName AS “CompanyName” FROM Company


COSValue CompanyName
0.540302 Larry's


COT ( float_exp )

Instruction: Returns the cotangent of float_exp, where float_exp is an angle expressed in radians.

Example: SELECT {fn COT({fn CONVERT(1, SQL_FLOAT)})} AS "COTValue", CompanyName AS “CompanyName” FROM Company


COTValue CompanyName
0.642093 Larry's


CEILING ( numeric_exp|float_exp|integer_exp )

Instruction: Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to numeric_exp .

Example: SELECT "Name", {fn CEILING("Balance")} AS "CeilingBalance", "Balance" FROM Customer


Name CeilingBalance Balance
Adam's Candy 40.00 40.00
Andres, Cristina 0.00 0.00
Balak, Mike 0.00 0.00
330 Main St 180.00 180.00
Residential 0.00 0.00


DEGREES ( numeric_exp|float_exp|integer_exp )

Instruction: Returns the number of degrees converted from numeric_exp radians.

Example: SELECT {fn DEGREES(1)} AS "DegreesReturned", CompanyName AS “CompanyName” FROM Company


DegreesReturned CompanyName
57.29578 Larry's


EXP ( float_exp )

Instruction: Returns the exponential value of float_exp.

Example: SELECT {fn EXP({fn CONVERT(1, SQL_FLOAT)})} AS "ExpReturned", CompanyName AS “CompanyName” FROM Company


ExpReturned ExpReturned
2.718282 Larry's


FLOOR (numeric_exp|float_exp|integer_exp)

Instruction: Returns largest integer less than or equal to numeric_exp.

Example: SELECT "Name", {fn FLOOR("Balance")} AS "FloorBalance", "Balance" FROM Customer


Name FloorBalance Balance
Adam's Candy 40.00 40.00
Andres, Cristina 0.00 0.00
Balak, Mike 0.00 0.00
330 Main St 180.00 180.00
1456 Red Cloud 25671.00 25671.35


LOG ( float_exp )

Instruction: Returns the natural logarithm of float_exp.

Example: SELECT {fn LOG({fn CONVERT(25, SQL_FLOAT)})} AS "LogReturned", CompanyName AS “CompanyName” FROM Company


LogReturned CompanyName
3.218876 Larry's


LOG10 ( float_exp )

Instruction: Returns the base ten logarithm of float_exp.

Example: SELECT {fn LOG10({fn CONVERT(25, SQL_FLOAT)})} AS "Log10Returned", CompanyName AS “CompanyName” FROM Company


Log10Returned CompanyName
1.39794 Larry's


MOD ( integer_exp1, integer_exp2 )

Instruction: Returns the remainder (modulus) of integer_exp1 divided by integer_exp2 .

Example: SELECT {fn MOD(27, 7)} AS "Mod7Returned", CompanyName AS “CompanyName” FROM Company


Mod7Returned CompanyName
6 Larry's


PI ()

Instruction: Returns the constant value of pi as a floating point value.

Example: SELECT {fn PI()} AS "PI", CompanyName AS “CompanyName” FROM COMPANY


PI CompanyName
3.141593 Larry's


POWER ( numeric_exp|float_exp|integer_exp, integer_exp )

Instruction: Returns the value of numeric_exp to the power of integer_exp .

Example: SELECT {fn POWER(4, 3)} AS "PowerValue", CompanyName AS "CompanyName" FROM COMPANY


PowerValue CompanyName
64 Larry's


RADIANS ( numeric_exp|float_exp|integer_exp )

Instruction: Returns the number of radians converted from numeric_exp degrees.

Example: SELECT {fn RADIANS(57.29578)} AS "RadiansValue", CompanyName AS “CompanyName” FROM COMPANY


RadiansValue CompanyName
1 Larry's


RAND ([ integer_exp|float_exp|numeric_exp ])

Instruction: Returns a random floating point value using integer_exp as an optional seed value.

Example: SELECT {fn RAND()} AS "RandValue" FROM COMPANY




ROUND ( numeric_exp|float_exp|integer_exp, integer_exp )

Instruction: Returns numeric_exp rounded to integer_exp placed right of the decimal point. If integer_exp is negative, numeric_exp is rounded to | integer_exp | and placed to the left of the decimal point.

Example: SELECT "Name", {fn ROUND(Balance, 1)} AS "RoundBalance", "Balance" FROM Customer


Name RoundBalance Balance
Adam's Candy Shop 40.00 40.00
Andres, Cristina .00 0.00
Balak, Mike .00 0.00
330 Main St 180.00 180.00
Residential .00 0.00


SIGN ( numeric_exp|float_exp|integer_exp )

Instruction: Returns an indicator or the sign of numeric_exp . If numeric_exp is less than zero, -1 is returned. If numeric_exp equals zero, 0 is returned. If numeric_exp is more significant than zero, one is returned.

Example: SELECT "Name", {fn SIGN(Balance)} AS "SignOfBalance", "Balance" FROM Customer


Name SignOfBalance Balance
Adam's Candy 1 40.00
Andres, Cristina 1 0.00
Balak, Mike 1 0.00
330 Main St 1 180.00
Residential 1 0.00


SIN ( float_exp )

Instruction: Returns the sine of float_exp, where float_exp is an angle expressed in radians.

Example: SELECT {fn SIN({fn CONVERT(1, SQL_FLOAT)})} AS "SINValue", CompanyName AS “CompanyName” FROM Company


SINValue CompanyName
0.841471 Larry's


SQRT ( float_exp )

Instruction: Returns the square root of float_exp.

Example: SELECT {fn SQRT({fn CONVERT(47, SQL_FLOAT)})} AS "SQRTValue", CompanyName AS “CompanyName” FROM Company


SQRTValue CompanyName
6.855655 Larry's


TAN ( float_exp )

Instruction: Returns the tangent of float_exp, where float_exp is an angle expressed in radians.

Example: SELECT {fn TAN({fn CONVERT(1, SQL_FLOAT)})} AS "TANValue", CompanyName AS “CompanyName” FROM Company


TANValue CompanyName
1.557408 Larry's


TRUNCATE ( numeric_exp|float_exp|numeric_exp, integer_exp )

Instruction: Returns numeric_exp truncated to integer_exp places right of the decimal point. If integer_exp is negative, numeric_exp is truncated to | integer_exp | places to the left of the decimal point.

Example: SELECT "Name", {fn TRUNCATE(Balance, 1)} AS "TruncateBalance", "Balance" FROM Customer


Name TruncateBalance Balance
Adam's Candy 40.00 40.00
Andres, Cristina .00 0.00
Balak, Mike .00 0.00
330 Main St 180.00 180.00
Residential .00 0.00



QODBC Time and Date Functions


Instruction: Returns the current date as a date value.

Example: SELECT {fn CURDATE()} AS "CurDate" FROM Company





Instruction: Returns the current date as a date value.

Example: SELECT {fn CURRENT_DATE()} AS "CurrentDate" FROM Company





Instruction: Returns the local time as a time value.

Example: SELECT {fn CURTIME()} AS "CurTime" FROM Company





Instruction: Returns the current time as a time value.

Example : SELECT {fn CURRENT_TIME()} AS "CurrentTime" FROM Company





Instruction: Returns the current date and time as a timestamp value.

Example: SELECT {fn CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()} AS "CurrentTimeStamp" FROM Company


2009-07-08 23:10:10.316


DAYNAME ( date_exp )

Instruction: Returns a character string containing the data source-specific name of the day (for example, Sunday through Saturday or Sun. through Sat. for a data source that uses English) for the day portion of date_exp .

Example: SELECT {fn DAYNAME({fn CURDATE()})} AS "CurDayName", CompanyName AS "CompanyName" FROM Company


CurDayName CompanyName
Thursday Larry's


DAYOFMONTH ( date_exp| string_exp|timestamp_exp )

Instruction: Returns the day of the month in date_exp as an integer value in the range of 1-31.

Example: SELECT {fn DAYOFMONTH({fn CURDATE()})} AS "CurDayOfMonth" FROM Company




DAYOFWEEK ( date_exp )

Instruction: Returns the day to the week in date_exp as an integer value in the range of 1-7, where one represents Sunday.

Example: SELECT {fn DAYOFWEEK({fn CURDATE()})} AS "CurDayOfWeek" FROM Company




DAYOFYEAR ( date_exp )

Instruction: Returns the day of the year in date_exp as an integer value in the range of 1-366.

Example: SELECT {fn DAYOFYEAR({fn CURDATE()})} AS "CurDayOfYear" FROM Company




EXTRACT( date_exp|timestamp_exp )

Instruction: Returns the part of date_exp or timestamp_exp .

Example: SELECT {fn EXTRACT(YEAR FROM{fn CURRENT_DATE()})} AS "Year",{fn EXTRACT(MONTH FROM{fn CURRENT_DATE()})} AS "Month",{fn EXTRACT(DAY FROM{fn CURRENT_DATE()})} AS "Day",CompanyName as "CompanyName" FROM Company


Year Month Day CompanyName
2009 7 9 Larry's


HOUR ( time_exp| string_exp|timestamp_exp )

Instruction: Returns the hour in time_exp or char_exp or timestamp_exp as an integer value in the range of 0-23.

Example: SELECT {fn HOUR({fn CURTIME()})} AS "CurHour" FROM Company




MINUTE ( time_exp| string_exp|timestamp_exp )

Instruction: Returns the minute in time_exp as an integer value in the range of 0-59.

Example: SELECT {fn MINUTE({fn CURTIME()})} AS "CurMinute" FROM Company




MONTH ( date_exp| string_exp|timestamp_exp )

Instruction: Returns the month in date_exp as an integer value in the range of 1-12.

Example: SELECT {fn MONTH({fn CURDATE()})} AS "CurMonth" FROM Company




MONTHNAME ( date_exp| string_exp|timestamp_exp )

Instruction: Returns a character string containing the data source-specific name of the month (for example, January through December or Jan. through Dec. for a data source that uses English) for the month portion of date_exp .

Example: SELECT {fn MONTHNAME({fn CURDATE()})} AS "CurMonthName", CompanyName AS "CompanyName" FROM Company


CurMonthName CompanyName
July Larry's


NOW ()

Instruction: Returns the current date and time as a timestamp value.

Example: SELECT {fn NOW()} AS "Now" FROM Company


2009-07-08 23:05:45.144


QUARTER ( date_exp| string_exp|timestamp_exp )

Instruction: Returns the quarter in the date_exp as an integer value in the range of 1-4, where 1 represents January 1 through March 31.

Example: SELECT {fn QUARTER({fn CURDATE()})} AS "CurQuarter", CompanyName AS "CompanyName" FROM Company


CurQuarter CompanyName
3 Larry's


SECOND ( time_exp| string_exp|timestamp_exp )

Instruction: Returns the second in time_exp as an integer value in the range of 0-59.

Example: SELECT {fn SECOND({fn CURTIME()})} AS "CurSecond" FROM Company




TIMESTAMPADD ( interval, integer_exp, timestamp_exp )

Instruction: Returns the timestamp calculated by adding integer_exp intervals of type interval to timestamp_exp . Valid values of interval are the following keywords: SQL_TSI_FRAC_SECOND, SQL_TSI_HOUR, SQL_TSI_SECOND, SQL_TSI_DAY, SQL_TSI_MINUTE, SQL_TSI_WEEK, SQL_TSI_MONTH, SQL_TSI_QUARTER, SQL_TSI_YEAR where fractional seconds are expressed in billionths of a second.

Notes: If timestamp_exp is a time value and interval specifies days, weeks, months, quarters, or years, the date portion of timestamp_exp is set to the current date before calculating the resulting timestamp.

     If timestamp_exp is a date value and interval specifies fractional seconds, seconds, minutes, or hours, the time portion of timestamp_exp is set to 0 before calculating the resulting timestamp.

Example: SELECT Name, {fn TIMESTAMPADD(SQL_TSI_YEAR, 1, HiredDate)} AS "Anniversary" FROM Employee


Name Anniversary
Duncan Fisher 2012-06-15 00:00:00.000
Jenny Miller 2012-11-01 00:00:00.000
Shane B. Hamby 2012-06-18 00:00:00.000


TIMESTAMPDIFF ( interval, timestamp_exp1, timestamp_exp2 )

Instruction: Returns the integer number of intervals of type interval by which timestamp_exp2 is greater than timestamp_exp1 . Valid values of interval are the following keywords: SQL_TSI_FRAC_SECOND, SQL_TSI_HOUR, SQL_TSI_SECOND, SQL_TSI_DAY, SQL_TSI_MINUTE, SQL_TSI_WEEK, SQL_TSI_MONTH, SQL_TSI_QUARTER, SQL_TSI_YEAR where fractional seconds are expressed in billionths of a second.

Note: If either timestamp expression is a time value and interval specifies days, weeks, months, quarters, or years, the date portion of that timestamp is set to the current date before calculating the difference between the timestamps.

     If either timestamp expression is a date value and interval specifies fractional seconds, seconds, minutes, or hours, the time portion of that timestamp is set to 0 before calculating the difference between the timestamps.

Example: SELECT Name, {fn TIMESTAMPDIFF(SQL_TSI_YEAR, {fn CURDATE()}, HiredDate)} AS "YearsWorked"  FROM Employee


Name YearsWorked
Duncan Fisher 2
Jenny Miller 2
Shane B. Hamby 2


WEEK ( date_exp )

Instruction: Returns the week of the year in date_exp as an integer value in the range of 1-53.

Example: SELECT {fn WEEK({fn CURDATE()})} AS "CurWeek" FROM Company




YEAR ( date_exp|string_exp|timestamp_exp )

Instruction: Returns the year in date_exp as an integer value.

Example: SELECT {fn YEAR({fn CURDATE()})} AS "CurYear" FROM Company





QODBC System Functions


Instruction: Returns the name of the database in use at the time this function is called.

Example: SELECT {fn DATABASE()} AS "OpenDatabase" FROM Company


OpenDatabase CompanyName
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\Intuit\QuickBooks\Sample Company Files\QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions 9.0\sample_service-based business.qbw Larry's


IFNULL ( exp, value )

Instruction: If exp is null, the value is returned. If exp is not null, exp is replaced. The possible data type(s) of value must be compatible with the data type of exp.

Example: Select Name, {fn IFNULL(Fax, 'Missing Fax')} as "FixedFax" from Employee


Name FixedFax
Duncan Missing Fax
Jenny Miller Missing Fax
Shane B. Hamby Missing Fax


PARENT( string_exp )

Instruction: Returns the characters before the colon it finds in string_exp

Example : SELECT {fn PARENT(FullName)} AS “ParentValue”,FullName FROM Account CALLDIRECT


ParentValue FullName
Truck Truck:Accumulated Depreciation
QuickBooks Credit Card QuickBooks Credit Card
QuickBooks Credit Card QuickBooks Credit Card:QBCC Field Office


CHILD ( string_exp )

Instruction: Returns the characters after the colon it finds in string_exp

Example: SELECT {fn CHILD(FullName)} AS “ChildValue”,FullName FROM Account CALLDIRECT


ChildValue FullName
Accumulated Depreciation Truck:Accumulated Depreciation
QuickBooks Credit Card QuickBooks Credit Card
QBCC Field Office QuickBooks Credit Card:QBCC Field Office


CONVERT (integer_exp, sqltype_exp)

Instruction: Returns the slqtype value, which is converted from an integer value and can be used in numeric functions.

Example: SELECT {fn CONVERT(21,SQL_FLOAT)} AS "ConverValue", CompanyName AS "CompanyName" FROM Company


ConverValue CompanyName
21 Larry's



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