[QODBC-Desktop] Troubleshooting - How can I extract Budget data
Posted by Jack - QODBC Support on 16 January 2018 11:10 AM

Troubleshooting - How can I extract Budget data

Problem Description:

I'm trying to extract QuickBooks budget data to SQL for reporting purposes. However, I don't see any tables that would hold the budget. My research is telling me this may not be possible. Can someone please tell me how I can extract Budget data?


We are sorry to inform you that the Budget table is unavailable through the Intuit SDK, so budget-related information is unavailable through QODBC.

QODBC is an ODBC driver for QuickBooks. QODBC uses the Intuit QuickBooks SDK to communicate with QuickBooks, which means if Intuit doesn't expose the field/table/feature to the application in SDK, QODBC could not do it either.

Refer: How to export QuickBooks data not available in QODBC

You can refer Budget related reports for Budget details.

You can refer below reports.

sp_report BalanceSheetBudgetOverview show Amount_Title, Label, Amount parameters FiscalYear = 2015, BudgetCriterion = 'Accounts', SummarizeBudgetColumnsBy = 'Date', SummarizeBudgetRowsBy = 'Account'

sp_report BalanceSheetBudgetVsActual show Amount_Title, Budget_Title, Difference_Title, Percent_Title, Text, Label, Amount, Budget, Difference, Percent parameters FiscalYear = 2015, BudgetCriterion = 'Accounts,' SummarizeBudgetColumnsBy = 'Date,' SummarizeBudgetRowsBy = 'Account'

sp_report ProfitAndLossBudgetOverview show Amount_Title, Text, Label, Amount parameters FiscalYear = 2015, BudgetCriterion = 'Accounts', SummarizeBudgetColumnsBy = 'Date', SummarizeBudgetRowsBy = 'Account'

sp_report ProfitAndLossBudgetPerformance show Amount_Title, Text, Label, Amount parameters FiscalYear = 2003, BudgetCriterion = 'Accounts', SummarizeBudgetColumnsBy = 'Date', SummarizeBudgetRowsBy = 'Account'

sp_report ProfitAndLossBudgetVsActual show Amount_Title, Budget_Title, Difference_Title, Percent_Title, Text, Label, Amount, Budget, Difference, Percent parameters FiscalYear = 2015, BudgetCriterion = 'Accounts,' SummarizeBudgetColumnsBy = 'Date,' SummarizeBudgetRowsBy = 'Account'

Refer: To how to use the QuickBooks Reporting Engine with QODBC for more details.

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