[QODBC-Desktop] Troubleshooting - How to create PriceLevelPerItem & PriceLevelFixedPercentage using QODBC
Posted by Jack - QODBC Support on 10 November 2016 06:13 AM

Troubleshooting - How to create PriceLevelPerItem & PriceLevelFixedPercentage using QODBC

Problem Description:

How to create PriceLevelPerItem & PriceLevelFixedPercentage using QODBC.


To create a new PriceLevel and PriceLevelPerItem item (at the same time), use the below query:

INSERT INTO PriceLevelPerItem ("Name," "IsActive," "PriceLevelPerItemItemRefListID," "PriceLevelPerItemCustomPrice") values ('Door Bell Special,' 1,'8C0003-1044564690',20)

Where the Name 'Door Bell Special' is the new PriceLevel.


 QODBC Support Wizard is used only to test QODBC SQL queries and is not a development tool.

Result in QuickBooks

The result looks like this in QuickBooks 2022:


To add another item to the 'Door Bell Special' price level, you must first determine the ListID for the PriceLevel you want to add. This can be found by doing the following:

SELECT ListID, Name, PriceLevelType from PriceLevel where Name='Door Bell Special'


To add another item to this PriceLevel, we use the below query:

INSERT INTO PriceLevelPerItem ("ListID," "IsActive," "PriceLevelPerItemItemRefListID," "PriceLevelPerItemCustomPrice") values ('80000006-1481799565', 1,'250003-1044564090',150)


Result in QuickBooks

The result looks like this in QuickBooks 2022:


To create a new PriceLevelFixedPercentage, use the below query:

Insert into PriceLevel (Name, PriceLevelFixedPercentage) values ('40.000', -40)


Result in QuickBooks

The result looks like this in QuickBooks 2022:


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