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[QXL-Online] QXL Online options and settings
Posted by Jack - QODBC Support on 14 October 2016 02:22 PM

QXL Online options and settings

QXL Online options and settings/Configuration:

The first step in configuring the application is to click on the settings icon for QXL Online options details.


Connections Tab:

You can add manage connections from Connections Tab to different QuickBooks Online company files. You can add a new link by clicking on the "Add New" button. You can change the connection from the drop-down list if you have multiple references to the QuickBooks Online company file. The selected connection will be used for exporting data.


General Tab:

From General Tab, you can change the following:

1. Output Folder: - You can change the path of the output folder by clicking the "Browse" button.

2. Format: You can format the exported file to XLSX, XLS, CSV, or SQL Server / ODBC Data Source.

3. SQL / ODBC Connection String: - You can set SQL / ODBC Connection String.

Note: QXL Online Professional Edition license requires exporting data into SQL Server / ODBC Data Source.

4. Export In: - You can change the export option to Separate File or Single File.

5. Output file(s) read-only: - You can protect exported file for unwanted write. This option will set exported files to read only if you select "Yes."


Advanced Tab:

From Advanced Tab, you can change Optimizer & Messages settings as below:


QXL Online Optimizer Setup:

What is an Optimizer file?

When you access any table, QXL Online will gather data from QuickBooks Online and store it in an Optimizer file. When you turn on the Optimizer, QXL Online will bring some data to a local cache file (the optimizer file) to increase retrieval performance for queries. Next time you query the same table, QXL Online will request differential records that are added, modified, and deleted from QuickBooks Online and will sync it to the Optimizer file. This way, QXL Online will have to only get the differential records instead of the entire data set from QuickBooks Online. As a result, you will notice performance gain compared to working without an optimizer.

Initial data optimization has been benchmarked at up to a 30% reduction in load time. The first time you access a given QuickBooks Online table, QXL Online, by default, optimizes access to that data, so the next time you need data from that table, it will be much faster. 

The optimizer brings some data to a local cache to increase query retrieval performance. Check to activate the optimizer.

Optimizer Database Folder specifies where the local data store will be saved on disk. The default location %AppData%\QXL - QuickBooks Online Data Export Data Made Easy\Optimizer is under your Windows login account name under your Documents and Settings folder. The data will be stored in a file in this folder with a name similar to the company file name with a .opt extension. If you keep that data somewhere other than the default, click the browse button and select the destination folder. You can change the path of the Optimizer folder by clicking the "Browse" button. With very large company files we suggest running synchronization after hours.

Reset Optimizer File(s): This button is used to rebuild the optimized data from scratch completely. It is useful when starting a new company if you do not want to synchronize the tables as you first encounter them and ensure that your data is 100% current.

QXL Online Messages:

Messages allow you to review message logs from QXL Online regarding errors and issues communicating with QuickBooks Online and clear these messages.

Display Driver Status Panel, when selected, shows exactly what QXL Online is doing when accessing the QuickBooks Online data and provides a good assessment of speed using optimized and non-optimized data.

Export Options:

Create a table from the sheet option will create the table from the spreadsheet (for Excel 2010 or above in [xlsx] format only.)

Table Styles option is used for formatting Excel cells by choosing predefined styles (for Excel 2010 or above in [xlsx] format only.) You can select a pre-defined style using the drop-down.

Header Color option used for changing Excel Column Header Color (for Excel 2010 or above in [xlsx] format only.). You can change the header color using the "Click to change header color" button.


Table Settings Tab:

From Table Settings Tab, you can change table options as below:

1. ALL table: - This option will export all tables to the output folder.

2. Selected Table: - This option will export selected tables to the output folder.

3. Excluding Selected Table: This option will export all tables to the output folder we have not selected.


In the Selected Table option, you can select the table by double-clicking on the table name. You can select all tables by clicking "All." You can clear the selection by clicking "None." You can invert table selection by clicking "Invert."


Custom Query Tab:

From Custom Query Tab, you can write your custom query and fetch data according to your requirement.

You need to write the table name in the Custom Table Name box & write the query in the Custom Query box. After writing the table name & query, click on the "Add or Update" button to add the question.



You can update existing queries by double-clicking on the table name & modify the query Custom Query box. After changing the query, click on the "Add or Update" button to update the query.



You can remove the existing query by double-clicking on the table name & click on the "Remove Selected" button to delete the query.



Report Setting Tab:

This tab allows you to add default reports to export. You can also add a custom report with different parameters.


You can choose the default report from the drop-down list & add the report for export.


Select any report from the drop-down list & click on the "Add or Update" button to add the report for export.



If you want to add a Custom report using different parameters, you can add it by writing a report query & output report name.

You need to write the report name in the Output Table Name box & write the query in Report Query/Command box. After writing the report name & question, click on the "Add or Update" button to add the report query.



You can remove the existing report by double-clicking on the report name & click on the "Remove Selected" button to delete the report.



You can modify the existing report by double-clicking on the report name. Report name & query/command will be shown in the Output Table Name box & Report Query/Command box. You need to modify the report & "Add or Update" button to update the report query.

You can save all the above configurations by clicking the "Close" button & you can discard changes by clicking the "X" button.

Activate/Deactivate Tab:

You can Activate / Deactivate QXL by clicking on the "Activate / Deactivate" button.



Activate is the online option for entering the CD Key issued to you upon purchasing the product to fully start QXL from the evaluation version to the entire Standard Edition purchased. Suppose you do not have internet access to activate the product from the machine you intend to use. In that case, you can use the manual option to generate an activation code from a machine with internet access.

Enter CD Key & click on "Activate."


Manual Activation:

Enter CD Key & click on "Manual."




Deactivate is the online method of deactivating a currently registered version of QXL to transfer the product to another machine. If internet access is unavailable from the registered device, you can use the manual option to generate a deactivation code from a device with internet access. Using the latest version of QODBC, credit for deactivation CDKEY is received instantly. In some cases, this process will take 24 to 48 hours before your CD Key account is credited with the deactivated license, and you can reactivate the license on a different machine.

Enter CD Key & click on "Deactivate


Manual Deactivation:

Enter CD Key & click on "Manual."



Pro Edition Tab:

You can export QuickBooks Online Data into SQL Server & ODBC database using Pro Edition Tab. Please refer to the below-mentioned link for more details.

How to export to SQL Server - using SQL Default Driver & ODBC

How to export to MySQL

How to export to MS Access

A QXL Online Professional Edition license is required to use this feature.

About Tab:

About screen shows the QXL Online version currently installed, whether it is an evaluation copy or fully registered. The first letter in the serial number denotes the license type installed, and the 2nd & 3rd digits are the QXL Online primary version number. (The serial number may be required for upgrades, rebate offers, technical installation support, or the Help Desk system.)


Also, Refer:
QXL Command line arguments/parameters
How to use QXL with scheduler for multiple company files

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