How to Import QuickBooks data to SQL Server Database (Local Table)
First, you need to create Linked Server in SQL Server.
For 32-bit SQL Server. Please refer to How to create Link Server with MS SQL 2005/2008/2012 32-bit Using QODBC/QRemote.
For 64-bit SQL Server. Please refer to How to create Link Server with MS SQL 2005/2008/2012 64-bit Using QODBC/QRemote.
I have already created a linked server, "QRemote."

After creating Linked Server, You need to make the stored procedure, which will read data from the Linked Server table & write it into SQL Server local table.
For storing Linked Server data in the local database. It would be best if you used the INSERT INTO SELECT query as below.
For Example:
SELECT * INTO SQL_Local_TableName FROM YourLinkedServerName...TableName;
First, we will add a single table in the local database. After that, we will create a stored procedure for all tables
We will add an Account table in the local database with the table name as Tbl_Account.
SELECT * INTO Tbl_Account FROM QRemote...Account

The Tbl_Account table is created for the local database with 105 records.

Now we will query in local table Tbl_Account. Select * from Tbl_Account Data is available in the local database table.

Now, We will create a stored procedure that will read data from the Linked Server table & write it into SQL Server local table.
In Object Explorer, connect to an instance of Database Engine and then expand that instance.
Expand Databases, expand Your database, and then expand Programmability.
Right-click Stored Procedures and then click the New Stored Procedure.

We will create the stored procedure named Import_QODBC_Tables, which will check in the local database if the table exists. It will drop the table & recreate the table & read all the linked server tables & create a new table in a local database.

After writing the stored procedure, click on execute to create the stored procedure.

Stored Procedure Created.

Stored Procedure Code:
USE [QODBC] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[Import_QODBC_Tables] Script Date: 07/29/2016 00:28:38 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO
Create PROCEDURE [dbo].[Import_QODBC_Tables]
AS begin
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_Account', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_Account SELECT * INTO Tbl_Account FROM QRemote...Account
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_AccountTaxLineInfo', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_AccountTaxLineInfo
SELECT * INTO Tbl_AccountTaxLineInfo FROM QRemote...AccountTaxLineInfo
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_ARRefundCreditCard', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_ARRefundCreditCard
SELECT * INTO Tbl_ARRefundCreditCard FROM QRemote...ARRefundCreditCard
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_ARRefundCreditCardRefundAppliedTo', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_ARRefundCreditCardRefundAppliedTo
SELECT * INTO Tbl_ARRefundCreditCardRefundAppliedTo FROM QRemote...ARRefundCreditCardRefundAppliedTo
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_BarCode', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_BarCode
SELECT * INTO Tbl_BarCode FROM QRemote...BarCode
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_Bill', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_Bill
SELECT * INTO Tbl_Bill FROM QRemote...Bill
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_BillExpenseLine', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_BillExpenseLine
SELECT * INTO Tbl_BillExpenseLine FROM QRemote...BillExpenseLine
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_BillItemLine', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_BillItemLine
SELECT * INTO Tbl_BillItemLine FROM QRemote...BillItemLine
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_BillLinkedTxn', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_BillLinkedTxn
SELECT * INTO Tbl_BillLinkedTxn FROM QRemote...BillLinkedTxn
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_BillingRate', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_BillingRate
SELECT * INTO Tbl_BillingRate FROM QRemote...BillingRate
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_BillingRateLine', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_BillingRateLine
SELECT * INTO Tbl_BillingRateLine FROM QRemote...BillingRateLine
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_BillPaymentCheck', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_BillPaymentCheck
SELECT * INTO Tbl_BillPaymentCheck FROM QRemote...BillPaymentCheck
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_BillPaymentCheckLine', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_BillPaymentCheckLine
SELECT * INTO Tbl_BillPaymentCheckLine FROM QRemote...BillPaymentCheckLine
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_BillPaymentCheckLineLinkedTxn', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_BillPaymentCheckLineLinkedTxn
SELECT * INTO Tbl_BillPaymentCheckLineLinkedTxn FROM QRemote...BillPaymentCheckLineLinkedTxn
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_BillPaymentCreditCard', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_BillPaymentCreditCard
SELECT * INTO Tbl_BillPaymentCreditCard FROM QRemote...BillPaymentCreditCard
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_BillPaymentCreditCardLine', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_BillPaymentCreditCardLine
SELECT * INTO Tbl_BillPaymentCreditCardLine FROM QRemote...BillPaymentCreditCardLine
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_BillPaymentCreditCardLineLinkedTxn', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_BillPaymentCreditCardLineLinkedTxn
SELECT * INTO Tbl_BillPaymentCreditCardLineLinkedTxn FROM QRemote...BillPaymentCreditCardLineLinkedTxn
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_BillToPay', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_BillToPay
SELECT * INTO Tbl_BillToPay FROM QRemote...BillToPay
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_BuildAssembly', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_BuildAssembly
SELECT * INTO Tbl_BuildAssembly FROM QRemote...BuildAssembly
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_BuildAssemblyComponentItemLine', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_BuildAssemblyComponentItemLine
SELECT * INTO Tbl_BuildAssemblyComponentItemLine FROM QRemote...BuildAssemblyComponentItemLine
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_Charge', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_Charge
SELECT * INTO Tbl_Charge FROM QRemote...Charge
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_ChargeLinkedTxn', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_ChargeLinkedTxn
SELECT * INTO Tbl_ChargeLinkedTxn FROM QRemote...ChargeLinkedTxn
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_Check', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_Check
SELECT * INTO Tbl_Check FROM QRemote..."Check"
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_CheckApplyCheckToTxn', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_CheckApplyCheckToTxn
SELECT * INTO Tbl_CheckApplyCheckToTxn FROM QRemote...CheckApplyCheckToTxn
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_CheckExpenseLine', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_CheckExpenseLine
SELECT * INTO Tbl_CheckExpenseLine FROM QRemote...CheckExpenseLine
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_CheckItemLine', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_CheckItemLine
SELECT * INTO Tbl_CheckItemLine FROM QRemote...CheckItemLine
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_Class', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_Class
SELECT * INTO Tbl_Class FROM QRemote...Class
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_ClearedStatus', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_ClearedStatus
SELECT * INTO Tbl_ClearedStatus FROM QRemote...ClearedStatus
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_Company', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_Company
SELECT * INTO Tbl_Company FROM QRemote...Company
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_CompanyActivity', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_CompanyActivity
SELECT * INTO Tbl_CompanyActivity FROM QRemote...CompanyActivity
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_CreditCardCharge', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_CreditCardCharge
SELECT * INTO Tbl_CreditCardCharge FROM QRemote...CreditCardCharge
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_CreditCardChargeExpenseLine', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_CreditCardChargeExpenseLine
SELECT * INTO Tbl_CreditCardChargeExpenseLine FROM QRemote...CreditCardChargeExpenseLine
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_CreditCardChargeItemLine', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_CreditCardChargeItemLine
SELECT * INTO Tbl_CreditCardChargeItemLine FROM QRemote...CreditCardChargeItemLine
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_CreditCardCredit', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_CreditCardCredit
SELECT * INTO Tbl_CreditCardCredit FROM QRemote...CreditCardCredit
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_CreditCardCreditExpenseLine', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_CreditCardCreditExpenseLine
SELECT * INTO Tbl_CreditCardCreditExpenseLine FROM QRemote...CreditCardCreditExpenseLine
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_CreditCardCreditItemLine', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_CreditCardCreditItemLine
SELECT * INTO Tbl_CreditCardCreditItemLine FROM QRemote...CreditCardCreditItemLine
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_CreditMemo', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_CreditMemo
SELECT * INTO Tbl_CreditMemo FROM QRemote...CreditMemo
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_CreditMemoLine', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_CreditMemoLine
SELECT * INTO Tbl_CreditMemoLine FROM QRemote...CreditMemoLine
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_CreditMemoLinkedTxn', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_CreditMemoLinkedTxn
SELECT * INTO Tbl_CreditMemoLinkedTxn FROM QRemote...CreditMemoLinkedTxn
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_Currency', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_Currency
SELECT * INTO Tbl_Currency FROM QRemote...Currency
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_Customer', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_Customer
SELECT * INTO Tbl_Customer FROM QRemote...Customer
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_CustomerAddtionalNote', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_CustomerAddtionalNote
SELECT * INTO Tbl_CustomerAddtionalNote FROM QRemote...CustomerAddtionalNote
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_CustomerContacts', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_CustomerContacts
SELECT * INTO Tbl_CustomerContacts FROM QRemote...CustomerContacts
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_CustomerShipToAddress', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_CustomerShipToAddress
SELECT * INTO Tbl_CustomerShipToAddress FROM QRemote...CustomerShipToAddress
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_CustomerMsg', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_CustomerMsg
SELECT * INTO Tbl_CustomerMsg FROM QRemote...CustomerMsg
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_CustomerType', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_CustomerType
SELECT * INTO Tbl_CustomerType FROM QRemote...CustomerType
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_CustomField', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_CustomField
SELECT * INTO Tbl_CustomField FROM QRemote...CustomField
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_DateDrivenTerms', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_DateDrivenTerms
SELECT * INTO Tbl_DateDrivenTerms FROM QRemote...DateDrivenTerms
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_Deposit', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_Deposit
SELECT * INTO Tbl_Deposit FROM QRemote...Deposit
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_DepositLine', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_DepositLine
SELECT * INTO Tbl_DepositLine FROM QRemote...DepositLine
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_Employee', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_Employee
SELECT * INTO Tbl_Employee FROM QRemote...Employee
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_EmployeeAddtionalNote', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_EmployeeAddtionalNote
SELECT * INTO Tbl_EmployeeAddtionalNote FROM QRemote...EmployeeAddtionalNote
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_EmployeeEarning', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_EmployeeEarning
SELECT * INTO Tbl_EmployeeEarning FROM QRemote...EmployeeEarning
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_Entity', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_Entity
SELECT * INTO Tbl_Entity FROM QRemote...Entity
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_EntityAdditionalNote', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_EntityAdditionalNote
SELECT * INTO Tbl_EntityAdditionalNote FROM QRemote...EntityAdditionalNote
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_EntityContacts', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_EntityContacts
SELECT * INTO Tbl_EntityContacts FROM QRemote...EntityContacts
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_EntityShipToAddress', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_EntityShipToAddress
SELECT * INTO Tbl_EntityShipToAddress FROM QRemote...EntityShipToAddress
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_Estimate', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_Estimate
SELECT * INTO Tbl_Estimate FROM QRemote...Estimate
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_EstimateLine', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_EstimateLine
SELECT * INTO Tbl_EstimateLine FROM QRemote...EstimateLine
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_EstimateLinkedTxn', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_EstimateLinkedTxn SELECT * INTO Tbl_EstimateLinkedTxn FROM QRemote...EstimateLinkedTxn
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_Host', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_Host SELECT * INTO Tbl_Host FROM QRemote...Host
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_HostMetaData', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_HostMetaData SELECT * INTO Tbl_HostMetaData FROM QRemote...HostMetaData
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_HostSupportedVersions', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_HostSupportedVersions SELECT * INTO Tbl_HostSupportedVersions FROM QRemote...HostSupportedVersions
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_InventoryAdjustment', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_InventoryAdjustment SELECT * INTO Tbl_InventoryAdjustment FROM QRemote...InventoryAdjustment
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_InventoryAdjustmentLine', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_InventoryAdjustmentLine SELECT * INTO Tbl_InventoryAdjustmentLine FROM QRemote...InventoryAdjustmentLine
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_InventorySite', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_InventorySite SELECT * INTO Tbl_InventorySite FROM QRemote...InventorySite
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_Invoice', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_Invoice SELECT * INTO Tbl_Invoice FROM QRemote...Invoice
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_InvoiceLine', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_InvoiceLine SELECT * INTO Tbl_InvoiceLine FROM QRemote...InvoiceLine
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_InvoiceLinkedTxn', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_InvoiceLinkedTxn SELECT * INTO Tbl_InvoiceLinkedTxn FROM QRemote...InvoiceLinkedTxn
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_Item', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_Item SELECT * INTO Tbl_Item FROM QRemote...Item
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_ItemAssembliesCanBuild', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_ItemAssembliesCanBuild SELECT * INTO Tbl_ItemAssembliesCanBuild FROM QRemote...ItemAssembliesCanBuild where ItemInventoryAssemblyRefFullName='assembly item' and TxnDate={d'2018-01-01'}
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_ItemDiscount', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_ItemDiscount SELECT * INTO Tbl_ItemDiscount FROM QRemote...ItemDiscount
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_ItemFixedAsset', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_ItemFixedAsset SELECT * INTO Tbl_ItemFixedAsset FROM QRemote...ItemFixedAsset
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_ItemGroup', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_ItemGroup SELECT * INTO Tbl_ItemGroup FROM QRemote...ItemGroup
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_ItemGroupLine', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_ItemGroupLine SELECT * INTO Tbl_ItemGroupLine FROM QRemote...ItemGroupLine
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_ItemInventory', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_ItemInventory SELECT * INTO Tbl_ItemInventory FROM QRemote...ItemInventory
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_ItemInventoryAssembly', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_ItemInventoryAssembly SELECT * INTO Tbl_ItemInventoryAssembly FROM QRemote...ItemInventoryAssembly
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_ItemInventoryAssemblyLine', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_ItemInventoryAssemblyLine SELECT * INTO Tbl_ItemInventoryAssemblyLine FROM QRemote...ItemInventoryAssemblyLine
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_ItemNonInventory', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_ItemNonInventory SELECT * INTO Tbl_ItemNonInventory FROM QRemote...ItemNonInventory
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_ItemOtherCharge', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_ItemOtherCharge SELECT * INTO Tbl_ItemOtherCharge FROM QRemote...ItemOtherCharge
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_ItemPayment', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_ItemPayment SELECT * INTO Tbl_ItemPayment FROM QRemote...ItemPayment
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_ItemReceipt', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_ItemReceipt SELECT * INTO Tbl_ItemReceipt FROM QRemote...ItemReceipt
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_ItemReceiptExpenseLine', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_ItemReceiptExpenseLine SELECT * INTO Tbl_ItemReceiptExpenseLine FROM QRemote...ItemReceiptExpenseLine
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_ItemReceiptItemLine', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_ItemReceiptItemLine SELECT * INTO Tbl_ItemReceiptItemLine FROM QRemote...ItemReceiptItemLine
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_ItemReceiptLinkedTxn', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_ItemReceiptLinkedTxn SELECT * INTO Tbl_ItemReceiptLinkedTxn FROM QRemote...ItemReceiptLinkedTxn
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_ItemSalesTax', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_ItemSalesTax SELECT * INTO Tbl_ItemSalesTax FROM QRemote...ItemSalesTax
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_ItemSalesTaxGroup', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_ItemSalesTaxGroup SELECT * INTO Tbl_ItemSalesTaxGroup FROM QRemote...ItemSalesTaxGroup
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_ItemSalesTaxGroupLine', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_ItemSalesTaxGroupLine SELECT * INTO Tbl_ItemSalesTaxGroupLine FROM QRemote...ItemSalesTaxGroupLine
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_ItemSites', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_ItemSites SELECT * INTO Tbl_ItemSites FROM QRemote...ItemSites
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_ItemService', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_ItemService SELECT * INTO Tbl_ItemService FROM QRemote...ItemService
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_ItemSubtotal', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_ItemSubtotal SELECT * INTO Tbl_ItemSubtotal FROM QRemote...ItemSubtotal
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_JobType', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_JobType SELECT * INTO Tbl_JobType FROM QRemote...job type
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_JournalEntry', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_JournalEntry SELECT * INTO Tbl_JournalEntry FROM QRemote...JournalEntry
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_JournalEntryCreditLine', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_JournalEntryCreditLine SELECT * INTO Tbl_JournalEntryCreditLine FROM QRemote...JournalEntryCreditLine
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_JournalEntryDebitLine', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_JournalEntryDebitLine SELECT * INTO Tbl_JournalEntryDebitLine FROM QRemote...JournalEntryDebitLine
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_JournalEntryLine', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_JournalEntryLine SELECT * INTO Tbl_JournalEntryLine FROM QRemote...JournalEntryLine
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_ListDeleted', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_ListDeleted SELECT * INTO Tbl_ListDeleted FROM QRemote...ListDeleted
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_OtherName', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_OtherName SELECT * INTO Tbl_OtherName FROM QRemote... another name
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_PaymentMethod', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_PaymentMethod SELECT * INTO Tbl_PaymentMethod FROM QRemote...payment method
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_PayrollItemNonWage', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_PayrollItemNonWage SELECT * INTO Tbl_PayrollItemNonWage FROM QRemote...PayrollItemNonWage
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_PayrollItemWage', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_PayrollItemWage SELECT * INTO Tbl_PayrollItemWage FROM QRemote...PayrollItemWage
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_Preferences', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_Preferences SELECT * INTO Tbl_Preferences FROM QRemote...Preferences
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_PriceLevel', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_PriceLevel SELECT * INTO Tbl_PriceLevel FROM QRemote...PriceLevel
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_PriceLevelPerItem', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_PriceLevelPerItem SELECT * INTO Tbl_PriceLevelPerItem FROM QRemote...PriceLevelPerItem
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_PurchaseOrder', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_PurchaseOrder SELECT * INTO Tbl_PurchaseOrder FROM QRemote...PurchaseOrder
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_PurchaseOrderLine', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_PurchaseOrderLine SELECT * INTO Tbl_PurchaseOrderLine FROM QRemote...PurchaseOrderLine
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_PurchaseOrderLinkedTxn', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_PurchaseOrderLinkedTxn SELECT * INTO Tbl_PurchaseOrderLinkedTxn FROM QRemote...PurchaseOrderLinkedTxn
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_ReceivePayment', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_ReceivePayment SELECT * INTO Tbl_ReceivePayment FROM QRemote...receive payment
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_ReceivePaymentLine', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_ReceivePaymentLine SELECT * INTO Tbl_ReceivePaymentLine FROM QRemote...ReceivePaymentLine
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_ReceivePaymentLineLinkedTxn', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_ReceivePaymentLineLinkedTxn SELECT * INTO Tbl_ReceivePaymentLineLinkedTxn FROM QRemote...ReceivePaymentLineLinkedTxn
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_ReceivePaymentToDeposit', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_ReceivePaymentToDeposit SELECT * INTO Tbl_ReceivePaymentToDeposit FROM QRemote...ReceivePaymentToDeposit
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_Sales', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_Sales SELECT * INTO Tbl_Sales FROM QRemote...Sales
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_SalesLine', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_SalesLine SELECT * INTO Tbl_SalesLine FROM QRemote...SalesLine
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_SalesOrder', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_SalesOrder SELECT * INTO Tbl_SalesOrder FROM QRemote...SalesOrder
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_SalesOrderLine', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_SalesOrderLine SELECT * INTO Tbl_SalesOrderLine FROM QRemote...SalesOrderLine
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_SalesOrderLinkedTxn', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_SalesOrderLinkedTxn SELECT * INTO Tbl_SalesOrderLinkedTxn FROM QRemote...SalesOrderLinkedTxn
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_SalesReceipt', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_SalesReceipt SELECT * INTO Tbl_SalesReceipt FROM QRemote...SalesReceipt
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_SalesReceiptLine', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_SalesReceiptLine SELECT * INTO Tbl_SalesReceiptLine FROM QRemote...SalesReceiptLine
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_SalesRep', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_SalesRep SELECT * INTO Tbl_SalesRep FROM QRemote...SalesRep
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_SalesTaxCode', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_SalesTaxCode SELECT * INTO Tbl_SalesTaxCode FROM QRemote...SalesTaxCode
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_SalesTaxPaymentCheck', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_SalesTaxPaymentCheck SELECT * INTO Tbl_SalesTaxPaymentCheck FROM QRemote...SalesTaxPaymentCheck
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_SalesTaxPaymentCheckLine', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_SalesTaxPaymentCheckLine SELECT * INTO Tbl_SalesTaxPaymentCheckLine FROM QRemote...SalesTaxPaymentCheckLine
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_ShipMethod', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_ShipMethod SELECT * INTO Tbl_ShipMethod FROM QRemote...ShipMethod
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_SpecialAccount', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_SpecialAccount SELECT * INTO Tbl_SpecialAccount FROM QRemote...SpecialAccount
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_SpecialItem', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_SpecialItem SELECT * INTO Tbl_SpecialItem FROM QRemote...SpecialItem
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_StandardTerms', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_StandardTerms SELECT * INTO Tbl_StandardTerms FROM QRemote...StandardTerms
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_TaxCode', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_TaxCode SELECT * INTO Tbl_TaxCode FROM QRemote...TaxCode
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_Template', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_Template SELECT * INTO Tbl_Template FROM QRemote...Template
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_Terms', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_Terms SELECT * INTO Tbl_Terms FROM QRemote...Terms
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_TimeTracking', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_TimeTracking SELECT * INTO Tbl_TimeTracking FROM QRemote...TimeTracking
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_ToDo', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_ToDo SELECT * INTO Tbl_ToDo FROM QRemote...ToDo
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_Transaction', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_Transaction SELECT * INTO Tbl_Transaction FROM QRemote..."Transaction"
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_Transfer', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_Transfer SELECT * INTO Tbl_Transfer FROM QRemote...Transfer
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_TransferInventory', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_TransferInventory SELECT * INTO Tbl_TransferInventory FROM QRemote...TransferInventory
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_TransferInventoryLine', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_TransferInventoryLine SELECT * INTO Tbl_TransferInventoryLine FROM QRemote...TransferInventoryLine
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_TxnDeleted', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_TxnDeleted SELECT * INTO Tbl_TxnDeleted FROM QRemote...TxnDeleted
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_UnitOfMeasureSet', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_UnitOfMeasureSet SELECT * INTO Tbl_UnitOfMeasureSet FROM QRemote...UnitOfMeasureSet
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_UnitOfMeasureSetRelatedUnit', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_UnitOfMeasureSetRelatedUnit SELECT * INTO Tbl_UnitOfMeasureSetRelatedUnit FROM QRemote...UnitOfMeasureSetRelatedUnit
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_UnitOfMeasureSetDefaultUnit', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_UnitOfMeasureSetDefaultUnit SELECT * INTO Tbl_UnitOfMeasureSetDefaultUnit FROM QRemote...UnitOfMeasureSetDefaultUnit
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_Vehicle', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_Vehicle SELECT * INTO Tbl_Vehicle FROM QRemote...Vehicle
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_VehicleMileage', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_VehicleMileage SELECT * INTO Tbl_VehicleMileage FROM QRemote...VehicleMileage
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_Vendor', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_Vendor SELECT * INTO Tbl_Vendor FROM QRemote...Vendor
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_VendorContacts', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_VendorContacts SELECT * INTO Tbl_VendorContacts FROM QRemote...VendorContacts
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_VendorCredit', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_VendorCredit SELECT * INTO Tbl_VendorCredit FROM QRemote...VendorCredit
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_VendorCreditExpenseLine', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_VendorCreditExpenseLine SELECT * INTO Tbl_VendorCreditExpenseLine FROM QRemote...VendorCreditExpenseLine
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_VendorCreditItemLine', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_VendorCreditItemLine SELECT * INTO Tbl_VendorCreditItemLine FROM QRemote...VendorCreditItemLine
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_VendorCreditLinkedTxn', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_VendorCreditLinkedTxn SELECT * INTO Tbl_VendorCreditLinkedTxn FROM QRemote...VendorCreditLinkedTxn
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_VendorType', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_VendorType SELECT * INTO Tbl_VendorType FROM QRemote...VendorType
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_WorkersCompCode', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_WorkersCompCode SELECT * INTO Tbl_WorkersCompCode FROM QRemote...WorkersCompCode
IF OBJECT_ID (N'Tbl_WorkersCompCodeRateHistory', N'U') IS NOT NULL Drop table Tbl_WorkersCompCodeRateHistory SELECT * INTO Tbl_WorkersCompCodeRateHistory FROM QRemote...WorkersCompCodeRateHistory
All tables are imported to SQL Server Database by executing this stored procedure.

You can see that all tables are imported into SQL Server Database.

You can add this stored procedure to SQL Agent & schedule it. So it will automatically add all tables to SQL Server Database.
Now we will add this stored procedure to SQL Agent.
Right-click on SQL Server Agent & click on New >> Job to create a new Job.

A New Job popup will appear. Specify the name of the job.

Click next on the "Steps" in the left menu. An SQL job can contain one or more steps. A step might be simply an SQL statement or a stored procedure call. Add your effort here.

Enter step name and type. Select the database, write the stored procedure execution command "exec Import_QODBC_Tables," & click ok.

Job step added.

The job is added to SQL Server Agent.

You can run a Job by right-clicking on the Job name & click on "Start Job at Step..."

The job is executing.
