Knowledgebase: Tutorials
[QODBC-ALL] How can I use same Excel files in 64 & 32-bit Systems
Posted by Rajendra Dewani (QODBC Support) on 17 April 2014 04:41 PM

How can I use the same Excel files in 64 & 32-bit Systems

Problem Description:

How Can I use the same Excel files in 64 & 32-bit Systems?

Is it possible to have a connection setup in an Excel file and be able to refresh on either a 64 or 32-bit system?

I know it's possible on the same (64 or 32) as long as the DSNs have the same names, but I wasn't sure about "crossing" between systems.


Yes, You can create a QRemote DSN with the same name on all the machines on which you would like to use Excel.

Your Excel file needs to use a common name DSN, For example, "QODBC-Excel."

Please refer below example:

1) Machine A of 64-bit OS has 64-bit Excel - create a DSN "QODBC-Excel" under 64-bit ODBC Administrator/Manager:

Start >> QODBC Driver for use with QuickBooks >> Configure QODBC Data Source 64-bit:

Go To the "System DSN" Tab >> Click on the Add button to create a new DSN "QODBC-Excel."

Select the QRemote for QuickBooks option and click on the Finish button.

Configure the DSN enter the name "QODBC-Excel," and provide the IP address and Port as listed under "QRemote Server."

Now we can see the newly created DSN "QODBC-Excel" in the System DSN list.


2) Machine B of 64-bit OS has 32-bit Excel - create a DSN "QODBC-Excel" under 32-bit ODBC Administrator/Manager:

Start >> QODBC Driver for use with QuickBooks >> Configure QODBC Data Source:

Go To the "System DSN" Tab >> Click on the Add button to create a new DSN "QODBC-Excel."

Select the QRemote for QuickBooks option and click on the Finish button.

Configure the DSN enter the name "QODBC-Excel," and provide the IP address and Port as listed under "QRemote Server."

Now we can see the newly created DSN "QODBC-Excel" in the System DSN list.


3) Machine C of 32-bit OS has 32-bit Excel - create a DSN "QODBC-Excel" under 32-bit ODBC Administrator/Manager:

Start >> QODBC Driver for use with QuickBooks >> Configure QODBC Data Source:

Go To the "System DSN" Tab >> Click on the Add button to create a new DSN "QODBC-Excel."

Select the QRemote for QuickBooks option and click on the Finish button.

Configure the DSN enter the name "QODBC-Excel," and provide the IP address and Port as listed under "QRemote Server."

Now we can see the newly created DSN "QODBC-Excel" in the System DSN list.


Now you can use the same Excel file on the above machine, whether machine 32 or 64-bit. Also, you can use the same Excel file on different architectures (i.e., You can use a 32-bit Excel file on 64-bit Excel and vice-versa.)

To apply newly created DSN to old Excel files.

Open the Excel file. Please Go To Data Tab & click on "Connections."

You can see existing connection details. Please click on "Properties."

Please select the connection name & remove it.

Now manually write the newly created DSN name for this example, "QODBC-Excel," & click "OK."

Now you can see updated connection details. Please click on "close."

By clicking on the "Refresh All" button, you will get updated data from the newly created DSN.

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