[QODBC-Desktop] Troubleshooting: QB Begin Session Failed. Error Calling OpenQBConnection Returned Error: 10061 - [10061] Connection refused
Posted by Rajendra Dewani (QODBC Support) on 14 April 2014 01:23 PM

Problem Description:

When trying to connect to QuickBooks using QODBC Test Tool, I am facing the error :

QB Begin Session Failed. Error Calling OpenQBConnection Returned Error: 10061 - [10061] Connection refused


Please first keep QuickBooks running and log in as Admin in single-user mode. Go to QuickBooks, "File" list menu, and then check if there is a "switch to Multi-User Mode" option. If there is, then you are running QuickBooks in single-user mode. But if there is no option, click the "switch to single-user mode" option in the same list menu to set QuickBooks running at single-user mode.

If you are not sure how to connect to QuickBooks using QODBC, please refer to this article for more information:

How to Connect to QuickBooks for the First Time

If you are using "Remote Connector" to build a remote connection, please check if you have configured it correctly.

Please refer to this article for more information about setup a "Remote Connector":

How to Setup QODBC Remote using Remote Connector

Please make sure you have unchecked the "Connect To QuickBooks Online Edition" option in QODBC Setup Screen, "Online Edition" window if you are not going to use QODBC to access Connect To QuickBooks Online Edition(QBOE):

And also, please make sure you have unchecked the "Use RDS Client/Server" option in QODBC Setup Screen, "RDS Server" window if you are not going to access QuickBooks remotely:

RDS is a product from QuickBooks; we may not be able to provide much help if there is any problem using RDS. If you are going to set up QODBC to access QuickBooks remotely, Please use QRemote. For more information on using QRemote as a remote access solution, please refer to this article:

Using QuickBooks data remotely via QODBC

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