[QODBC-Desktop] Connecting to QuickBooks failed because of a Windows security issue, Test Connection Not Working
Posted by Rajendra Dewani (QODBC Support) on 16 July 2013 07:12 AM
Connecting to QuickBooks failed because of a Windows security issue. The Test Connection was Not Working.The QODBC Driver for QuickBooks runs differently under Microsoft Vista/W7 than other versions of Windows because of its new strict security settings. If the Test connection is unsuccessful and shows Connecting to QuickBooks failed because of a Windows security issue, you have forced Administrator rights. The setup must be run without "Run As Administrator," and UAC must be turned on to Test the connection. Solutions:When you run the QODBC Setup screen from ODBC Manager, the Setup Screen runs as "elevated permissions," and QODBC runs as "elevated permissions." Follow the below steps to resolve the issue: Close QODBC Setup Screen, Close Data Source Administrator ( if Open). Perform Test Connection Data Source Administrator ( which by default runs as "Run as Administrator" ) If the above does not resolve the "Test Connection" Security issue, please follow the below steps. Alternative Use QODBC Support Wizard, VB Demo, or any other application like MS Access, Excel, or your custom application and connect to the DSN. It should get connected ( Even though "Test Connection to QuickBooks" is not enabled or is having a Windows security issue. ) For troubleshooting connection issues, refer: To how to use QODBC Support Wizard. Also, Refer: Connecting QODBC Driver to QuickBooks for the First Time (Video) If QODBC Support Wizard or VB Demo can connect, you should be able to use QODBC with your application(s). You can find VB Demo at Windows Start->All Programs->QODBC Driver for use with QuickBooks, but if you cannot find it, please refer to the below article: If you are not familiar with VB Demo, please refer below article first: If QODBC Support Wizard or VB Demo can connect, you should be able to use QODBC with your application(s). You may ignore the Test Connection windows security message as Test Connection may fail if it is executed in a different user context than a normal user, and there is no need to test the connection via QODBC Setup Screen once it has passed connect via QODBC Support Wizard or VB Demo. Problem:I just upgraded to version 15 Solution:Please keep QuickBooks running, logged in as Admin to your company file, Switch to single-user mode and try to connect using your application. Connecting QODBC Driver to QuickBooks for the First Time (Video) Please refer to the below-mentioned article for Accessing QuickBooks Data Remotely using QODBC & QRemote. (Video): Accessing QuickBooks Data Remotely using QODBC & QRemote
Also, Refer Connecting QODBC Driver to QuickBooks for the First Time (Video) Test Connection Button On QODBC Setup Is Grayed/Disabled How to set up QODBC Driver to auto-connect to QuickBooks. (Video) Accessing QuickBooks data with QODBC Driver using MS Excel 2010 & MS Access 2010 (Video)
Keywords: UAC login Even though
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One thing that is not clear to me from instructions is whether or not I've met this condition: " Before creating A DSN entry verify you have created a DSN entry for QODBC which can connect to QuickBooks. The ODBC Manager 32Bit can be found under Control Panel > ODBC ( 32 Bit )"
There is no such ODBC (32 Bit) icon in my Control Panel. How do I create a DSN entry for QODBC?
From "QODBC Setup Screen" the "Test Connection to QuickBooks" is successful.
From "Configure QODBC Data Source 64-bit" if I open normally or right click and run as administrator and click "Test Connection" on SystemDNS>QRemote>Configure I get the "QuickBooks failed because of a Windows security issue" error
From SystemDNS>QuickBooks Data 64-Bit QRemote>Configure>Test Connection I get the following error: [QODBC] QB Begin Session Failed. Error= 80040417, If the QuickBooks company data file is not open, a call to the "BeginSession" method must include the name of the data file" (even though company file is open, it tries to open a "secondary company file")
Any help is appreciated so I can evaluate the product.
I kindly request you to please refer below mentioned article for creating DSN:
Article contains information about 32 bit DSN, You can create 64 bit DSN same way from below mentioned location:
Start>> All Programs>> QODBC Driver for use with QuickBooks >> Configure QODBC Data Source 64-Bit
I would like to inform you that:
Begin Session Failed. S0000 00000 [QODBC] QB Begin Session Failed. Error = 80040417, If the QuickBooks company data file is not open, a call to the "BeginSession" method must include the name of the data file.
The above error is occurring when File path specified on QODBC Setup Screen is different from Company file opened in QuickBooks.
I kindly suggest you to verify the company file path on QODBC and QuickBooks, these two paths should be the same. You can find QODBC company file path via QODBC setup screen -> General tab. You could find the QuickBooks company file via QuickBooks UI, press F2 key you will see the file information.
If file path is same, then please restart machine & try again.
Please note, you can connect to only one company file at a time, if you want to connect to another company file you need to disconnect the connection from your application and connect to another company file.
If you are still facing issue, I kindly request you to please raise a support ticket to the QODBC Technical Support department from below mentioned link & provide requested information:
1) Screenshot of QODBC Setup Screen -- > About
2) Screenshot of the issue you’re facing.
Share Entire Log Files as an attachment in text format from
3) QODBC Setup Screen -- > Messages -- > Review QODBC Messages
4) QODBC Setup Screen -- > Messages -- > Review SDK Messages
Running windows 7
QB file is on a file server
QB application installed locally
I had the QB file open in admin mode
Received the error Sybase obdc Driver sql anywhere unable to start database server
I would like to inform you that you’re using Sybase SQL Anywhere ODBC and Not QODBC. I kindly suggest you to refer below articles for how to use QODBC:
Please note: you need select “QuickBooks Data” (if the applications is 32 bit) or “QuickBooks Data-64bit QRemote” (if the applications is 64 bit) when you choose data source instead of select other data source.
I kindly request you to please refer below mentioned article for missing data/records:
If you are still facing issue, I kindly request you to please raise a support ticket to the QODBC Technical Support department from below mentioned link & provide requested information:
I kindly request you to share more information about the issue you’re facing, so that we can locate the problem quickly.
We may need following information, I kindly request you to attach below listed files when replying to the ticket.
1) Screenshot of QODBC Setup Screen -- > About (Start>>All Programs>> QODBC Driver for use with QuickBooks>> QODBC Setup Screen >> About Tab )
2) Screenshot of the issue you’re facing.
3) Share the SQL statement you’re using.
Share Entire Log Files as an attachment in text format from
4) QODBC Setup Screen -- > Messages -- > Review QODBC Messages
5) QODBC Setup Screen -- > Messages -- > Review SDK Messages
Please refer below mentioned article to use QODBC with Crystal Reports:
There might be something related to Windows Security which is causing the issue. I kindly request you to please check windows security.
I kindly request you to please raise a support ticket to the QODBC Technical Support department from below mentioned link & provide requested information:
I kindly request you to share more information about the issue you’re facing, so that we can locate the problem quickly.
We may need following information, I kindly request you to attach below listed files when replying to the ticket.
1) Screenshot of QODBC POS Setup Screen -- > About
2) Screenshot of the issue you’re facing.
Share Entire Log Files as an attachment in text format from
3) QODBC POS Setup Screen -- > Messages -- > Review QODBC Messages
4) QODBC POS Setup Screen -- > Messages -- > Review SDK Messages
I would like to inform you that Test Connection may fail If it's executed as an Admin user. I kindly request you to please make sure that you are running QuickBooks & QODBC both in same user context (i.e. Both applications either should be run as contexted user or both apps should be run as Admin user).
If both applications are run in different user context, then you may face this issue. I kindly request you to please verify the same & test connection through VB Demo.
"UAC Off or Running as Elevated ("Run As Administrator")
Please contact me.
I would like to inform you that Test Connection may fail If it's executed as an Admin user. I kindly request you to please make sure that you are running QuickBooks & QODBC both in same user context (i.e. Both applications either should be run as contexted user or both apps should be run as Admin user).
If both applications are run in different user context, then you may face this issue. I kindly request you to please verify the same & test connection through VB Demo.
Please refer:
The error 80040430 says that you have not accepted QuickBooks certificate. I kindly request you to please keep QuickBooks running, logged in as Admin to your company file, Switch to single user mode and try to connect using your application, it should pop-up Data Access Certificate on QuickBooks, Please accept the Certificate Then try again.
I would like to inform you that QuickBooks issue Certificate is for each application. You might have accepted the certificate for application A, but application B would not have access.
Please refer:
We kindly suggest you to try Keeping QuickBooks running, logged in as Admin & try to test the connection using VB Demo application.Your QuickBooks file should be accessible and should not be in the restricted folder.
If VB Demo can connect, you should be able to use QODBC with your application(s). You may ignore the Test Connection windows security message as Test Connection may fail if it is executed in a different user context then normal user and there is no need to test connection via QODBC Setup Screen once it has passed connect via VB Demo.
Please refer:
If you are still facing issue, I kindly request you to please raise a support ticket to the QODBC Technical Support department from below mentioned link & provide requested information:
We may need the following information, I kindly request you to attach below listed files when replying to the ticket.
1) Screenshot of QODBC Setup Screen -- > About
2) Screenshot of the issue you’re facing.
Share Entire Log Files as an attachment in text format from
3) QODBC Setup Screen -- > Messages -- > Review QODBC Messages
4) QODBC Setup Screen -- > Messages -- > Review SDK Messages
Does QODBC work on Windows 7??
I would like to inform you that Test Connection may fail If it's executed as an Admin user. I kindly request you to please make sure that you are running QuickBooks & QODBC both in same user context (i.e. Both applications either should be run as contexted user or both apps should be run as Admin user).
If both applications are run in different user context, then you may face this issue. I kindly request you to please verify the same & test connection through VB Demo.
If VB Demo can connect, you should be able to use QODBC with your application(s). You may ignore the Test Connection windows security message as Test Connection may fail if it is executed in a different user context then normal user and there is no need to test connection via QODBC Setup Screen once it has passed connect via VB Demo.
Please refer:
If you are still facing issue, I kindly request you to please raise a support ticket to the QODBC Technical Support department from below mentioned link & provide requested information:
We may need the following information, I kindly request you to attach below listed files when replying to the ticket.
1) Screenshot of QODBC Setup Screen -- > About
2) Screenshot of the issue you’re facing.
Share Entire Log Files as an attachment in text format from
3) QODBC Setup Screen -- > Messages -- > Review QODBC Messages
4) QODBC Setup Screen -- > Messages -- > Review SDK Messages
Thank you in advance for your assistance