[QODBC-Desktop] Vendor Custom Field Label Captions
Posted by brad waddell on 12 March 2009 05:21 PM
Where the Vendor Custom Field Label Captions come fromIn QuickBooksCustom Fields are created within QuickBooks. The Label names can also be modified at any time. For example, when editing a Vendor, click on the Additional Info tab page: Click on the Define Fields button to create and modify your Custom Fields as required: In QODBCIn QODBC, the Custom Field Label appears as CustomFieldname (with the name of the custom field, without spaces, as shown in QuickBooks), as can be seen in QODBC Support Wizard by running: sp_columns Vendor Using Custom Field Names via ProgrammingTo determine the Custom Field names via programming, do: Const adUseClient = 3 strSQL = "sp_tables" And loop through the recordset for each table: then: strSQL = "sp_Columns """ & sTableName & """" And spin through the columns for that table. | |