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Knowledgebase : QODBC Online > Sp_commands & Reports

HOW TO CREATE SP_REPORTS USING MICROSOFT EXCEL HOW TO EXTRACT SP_REPORTS USING MICROSOFT EXCEL OPEN MICROSOFT QUERY IN EXCEL Open Microsoft Excel, get external data from Microsoft Query via Data Menu -> "Get Data -> From Other Sources->From Microsoft...
TYPICAL BALANCE SHEET REPORT IN QUICKBOOKS ONLINE REPORT DISPLAYED IN QODBC ONLINE STORED PROCEDURE COMMAND With QODBC, the same report can be generated using stored procedure reports like this: sp_report BalanceSheetDetail show RowData, Amount_1 a...
TYPICAL PROFIT AND LOSS STANDARD REPORT IN QUICKBOOKS ONLINE REPORT DISPLAYED IN QODBC STORED PROCEDURE COMMAND With QODBC Online, the same report can be generated using stored procedure reports like this: sp_report ProfitAndLossStandard show RowDa...
INSTRUCTIONS QODBC Online accepts SQL commands through the ODBC Interface, then converts those calls to qbXML navigational orders within the QuickBooks Online API and returns recordsets that qualify for the query results. This driver is not a Client/Ser...