[QODBC-Desktop] How to use LIKE in query with QODBC
Posted by brad waddell on 12 March 2009 05:21 PM

An Example of Using LIKE in Query

Note: There's no problem with the LIKE any value.

      Here we are running the following query as an example to show how alike "i%" works to find "Invoice" type sales:

      SELECT Sales.RefNumber, Sales.BillAddressAddr1,Sales.Type, Sales.TxnDate FROM Sales
      where {fn LCASE(Sales.Type)}
LIKE 'i%' ORDER BY RefNumber

     Another example is as follows:

     SELECT Name, CompanyName FROM Vendor Where Name LIKE 'Bay%'

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Comments (1)
20 September 2012 07:41 AM
That's an intelligent answer to a difficult qesution xxx
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