[QQODC-All] How to use the computer name instead of IP Address in QRemote
Posted by Andy - QODBC Support on 21 September 2022 01:59 PM
How to use the computer name instead of IP Address in QRemote?Problem Description 1:When running a QRemote Server or a query, the IP address changes randomly. Solutions:If you are using a 32-Bit QODBC manager, Please follow the below steps: Open "QRemote Server" from the start menu. You will get the following screen. Copy the computer name by clicking on the "copy button."
Update 32-bit DSN: Open "ODBC Data Source Administrator(32-bit)" from the start menu and switch to the "System DNS" tab. For how to open "ODBC Data Source Administrator(32-bit)", refer to this Link - https://support.flexquarters.com/esupport/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/2657
Select "QuickBooks Data QRemote" DSN and click on the "Configure" Button.
Note: If you are using QODBC Online, select "QuickBooks Online Data QRemote" DSN, and for QODBC POS, use "QuickBooks POS Data Qremote."
Paste the computer name at the place of the IP Address Click on the "Test Connection" button.
Update 64-bit DSN:
Open "ODBC Data Source Administrator(64-bit)" from the start menu and switch to the "System DNS" tab. For how to open "ODBC Data Source Administrator(64-bit)", refer to this Link - https://support.flexquarters.com/esupport/index.php?/Default/Knowledgebase/Article/View/2436
Select "QuickBooks Data 64-Bit QRemote" DSN and click on the "Configure "Button.
Note: If you are using QODBC Online, select "QuickBooks Online Data 64-bit QRemote" DSN, and for QODBC POS, use "QuickBooks 64-bit POS Data Qremote". You will get the following screen: Past the computer name at the place of the IP Address Click on the "Test Connection" Button.
Tags: Dynamic IP Address, QRemote IP Address changes, Random QRemote IP Address, | |