[QODBC Desktop ] How do I determine which database it is using to set up the connection with QuickBooks
Posted by Ricky - QODBC Support on 10 October 2019 12:36 PM

[QODBC Desktop] How do I determine which database it is using to set up the connection with QuickBooks?

Problem Description:

How do I determine which database it is using to set up the connection with QuickBooks?


You may run the following command to determine which database you are connected to.


This will return the database (QuickBooks company file) path with which you are connected.


Using the QuickBooks application, you may verify the database (QuickBooks company file) path.

You can find the QuickBooks company file path via QuickBooks UI. Press the F2 key (Function Key 2) you will see the file information.


You may verify the QuickBooks company you are connected to.

To verify, please execute the SQL Statement using your application.

Select * from Company


Tags: QuickBooks company file name, company file path, database, database connection

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