Knowledgebase: QXL Support
[QXL-ALL] Troubleshooting - Cannot modify the design of the table - It is in a read-only database. Source:odbcjt32.dll
Posted by Rajendra Dewani (QODBC Support) on 31 May 2018 11:29 AM

Troubleshooting - Cannot modify the table's design - It is in a read-only database. Source:odbcjt32.dll

Problem Description:

I keep getting an error message that states 
Error Occurred: unable to create table in destination database-customer-access, QXL, additionalInfo: tableselection-customer,Table-40, Tables 152
I look in the logs, and it states 

Exception classes: 
Exception messages: 
Message: ERROR [42000] [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Cannot modify the design of table 'QXLCustomer.' It is in a read-only database. Source:odbcjt32.dll


Additional Info: CREATE TABLE "QXLCustomer" (
"Name" TEXT(41) NOT NULL,
"FullName" TEXT(209),
"IsActive" YESNO,
"ClassRefListID" TEXT(36),
"ClassRefFullName" TEXT(209),
"ParentRefListID" TEXT(36),
"ParentRefFullName" TEXT(209),
"Sublevel" INTEGER,
"CompanyName" TEXT(41),
"Salutation" TEXT(15),
"FirstName" TEXT(25),
"MiddleName" TEXT(5),
"LastName" TEXT(25),
"JobTitle" TEXT(41),
"BillAddressAddr1" TEXT(41),
"BillAddressAddr2" TEXT(41),
"BillAddressAddr3" TEXT(41),
"BillAddressAddr4" TEXT(41),
"BillAddressAddr5" TEXT(41),
"BillAddressCity" TEXT(31),
"BillAddressState" TEXT(21),
"BillAddressProvince" TEXT(21),
"BillAddressCounty" TEXT(21),
"BillAddressPostalCode" TEXT(13),
"BillAddressCountry" TEXT(31),
"BillAddressNote" TEXT(41),
"BillAddressBlockAddr1" TEXT(41),
"BillAddressBlockAddr2" TEXT(41),
"BillAddressBlockAddr3" TEXT(41),
"BillAddressBlockAddr4" TEXT(41),
"BillAddressBlockAddr5" TEXT(41),
"ShipAddressAddr1" TEXT(41),
"ShipAddressAddr2" TEXT(41),
"ShipAddressAddr3" TEXT(41),
"ShipAddressAddr4" TEXT(41),
"ShipAddressAddr5" TEXT(41),
"ShipAddressCity" TEXT(31),
"ShipAddressState" TEXT(21),
"ShipAddressProvince" TEXT(21),
"ShipAddressCounty" TEXT(21),
"ShipAddressPostalCode" TEXT(13),
"ShipAddressCountry" TEXT(31),
"ShipAddressNote" TEXT(41),
"ShipAddressBlockAddr1" TEXT(41),
"ShipAddressBlockAddr2" TEXT(41),
"ShipAddressBlockAddr3" TEXT(41),
"ShipAddressBlockAddr4" TEXT(41),
"ShipAddressBlockAddr5" TEXT(41),
"Phone" TEXT(21),
"AltPhone" TEXT(21),
"Fax" TEXT(21),
"Email" MEMO,
"Cc" MEMO,
"Contact" TEXT(41),
"AltContact" TEXT(41),
"CustomerTypeRefListID" TEXT(36),
"CustomerTypeRefFullName" TEXT(159),
"TermsRefListID" TEXT(36),
"TermsRefFullName" TEXT(31),
"SalesRepRefListID" TEXT(36),
"SalesRepRefFullName" TEXT(5),
"Balance" DOUBLE,
"TotalBalance" DOUBLE,
"OpenBalance" DOUBLE,
"OpenBalanceDate" DATETIME,
"SalesTaxCodeRefListID" TEXT(36),
"SalesTaxCodeRefFullName" TEXT(3),
"TaxCodeRefListID" TEXT(36),
"TaxCodeRefFullName" TEXT(3),
"ItemSalesTaxRefListID" TEXT(36),
"ItemSalesTaxRefFullName" TEXT(31),
"SalesTaxCountry" TEXT(31),
"ResaleNumber" TEXT(15),
"AccountNumber" TEXT(99),
"BusinessNumber" TEXT(99),
"CreditLimit" DOUBLE,
"PreferredPaymentMethodRefListID" TEXT(36),
"PreferredPaymentMethodRefFullName" TEXT(31),
"CreditCardInfoCreditCardNumber" TEXT(25),
"CreditCardInfoExpirationMonth" INTEGER,
"CreditCardInfoExpirationYear" INTEGER,
"CreditCardInfoNameOnCard" TEXT(41),
"CreditCardInfoCreditCardAddress" TEXT(41),
"CreditCardInfoCreditCardPostalCode" TEXT(41),
"JobStatus" TEXT(10),
"JobStartDate" DATETIME,
"JobProjectedEndDate" DATETIME,
"JobEndDate" DATETIME,
"JobDesc" TEXT(99),
"JobTypeRefListID" TEXT(36),
"JobTypeRefFullName" TEXT(159),
"Notes" MEMO,
"PreferredDeliveryMethod" TEXT(10),
"IsUsingCustomerTaxCode" YESNO,
"PriceLevelRefListID" TEXT(36),
"PriceLevelRefFullName" TEXT(31),
"ExternalGUID" TEXT(40),
"TaxRegistrationNumber" TEXT(30),
"CurrencyRefListID" TEXT(36),
"CurrencyRefFullName" TEXT(64),
"CustomFieldAccountNumber" TEXT(30),
"CustomFieldCollectionPlanDetails" TEXT(30),
"CustomFieldCollectionsPlan" TEXT(30),
"CustomFieldDepartment" TEXT(30),
"CustomFieldPACTS" TEXT(30),
"CustomFieldSupervisionType" TEXT(30),
"TimeCreated" DATETIME,
"TimeModified" DATETIME,
"EditSequence" TEXT(16) NOT NULL
Exception classes:
Exception messages:
Message: ERROR [42000] [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Cannot modify the design of table 'QXLCustomer.' It is in a read-only database. Source:odbcjt32.dll
Stack Traces:
At System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection.HandleError(OdbcHandle hrHandle, RetCode retcode)
At System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand.ExecuteReaderObject(CommandBehavior behavior, String method, Boolean need reader, Object[] method arguments, SQL_API odbcApiMethod)
at System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand.ExecuteReaderObject(CommandBehavior behavior, String method, Boolean feedreader)
at System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()


  • Please make sure your MS Access database is not read-only.
  • Please open the MS Access database file and try to remove the table QXLCustomer manually. 
  • Try changing the path of your MS Access file.
    Move your file from C:\Users\YourName\Documents\QXL\
    C:\MyQuickBooks Data\
    Change the path of your MS Access file in your DSN.
  • Try changing from an .mdb database to a .accdb 
  • Try changing the DSN from a user DSN to a system DSN
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