[QODBC-Desktop] How to use QlikSense Desktop with QODBC
Posted by Jack - QODBC Support on 26 December 2017 09:56 AM
How to use QlikSense Desktop with QODBCTo use QlikSense Desktop with QODBC, Please follow the below steps. Open QlikSense Desktop & click on the "CREATE A NEW APP" button. Enter the app name and click the "Create" button. A New application in QlikSense Desktop was created successfully. Click "Open app" for the opening application. The application has two options: "Add Data" & "Data Load editor." In this example, I am using the "Add Data" option. Click the "Add Data" button to update QuickBooks Data to QlikSense Desktop. QlikSense Desktop will show a list of the data source. Please select the "ODBC" data source. In Create new connection (ODBC) windows select "System DSN" & enable the "32-bit" option and select DSN & click on the "Create" button. You can change DSN as per your configuration. I am connecting to the default DSN, "QuickBooks Data," in this example. The connection was made with QuickBooks through QuickBooks Data DSN & you can see the list of tables windows the list of tables available. Select the table you want to add to the QlikSense Desktop & click the "Add data" button. In this example, I am selecting the Customer table. Adding data is in progress. The customer table data is added to the QlikSense Desktop. Now, You can perform any operation on table data using QlikSense Desktop. You can view table data by double-clicking the "Customer" table icon.
Please click the "Load data" button on the QlikSense Desktop. Loading data is in progress. The data is loaded successfully. Click on the "Edit the sheet" button to add data to the sheet. The empty sheet is open in the QlikSense Desktop. Click on the "Fields" icon to add table fields to the sheet. In this example, I have added the Customer table's FullName, CompanyName, TermsRefFullName, Phone, and Email fields on the sheet. Please click on the "Done" button to finish editing the sheet. QlikSense Desktop displays data on the sheet. Now, You can perform any operation on table data using QlikSense Desktop. Also, Refer: How to Auto Add relationship Between two tables in QlikSense Desktop using QODBC
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