[QODBC-Desktop] How to use BarTender with QODBC
Posted by Jack - QODBC Support on 20 December 2017 02:05 PM

How to use BarTender with QODBC

Problem Description:

How to use BarTender with QODBC?


Please follow the below steps for using BarTender with QODBC.

Please start BarTender & create a new document by clicking "Start a new BarTender document...".

Select the "Blank Template" option & click "Finish." You can use "Existing BarTender Document" if you have an existing BarTender document & want to use it.

The new BarTender document is open. Click the "Database" icon to add ODBC connection to QuickBooks.

On the Database Setup Wizard page, select "ODBC Connection" & click "Next."

Select "QuickBooks Data" data source and click "Next."

Please Note: If you have a 64-bit application, you must use QRemote 64-bit DSN "QuickBooks Data 64-bit QRemote."
Please refer: To how to configure QRemote.

Now, please select the table which you want to use with BarTender.

Double-click on the table name to add it to BarTender & click "Finish." In this example, I have added a Customer table.

You will notice the "Loading Columns" message by clicking "Finish."

Database connection properties are stored in the document. Now, Click "Record Browser" for browsing records.

The Record Browser shows customer table records. Click "OK" to return to the document.

The customer table data is added to the document. Click "Data Sources" for the list of available table fields.

We need to add control to display table data in the BarTender document. In this example, I am adding a single-line text object.

The "Text Object" is added to the document.

Now drag any table field in the object which you want to show. I have added the FullName field to the Text Object in this example.

You will notice that Customer FullName is loaded into the BarTender document.

On clicking the "Next" icon, it will show the following record details.

QuickBooks Data is added to BarTender using QODBC. You can make changes to the application as per your requirement.


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