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[QODBC-Desktop] QuickBooks SDK 6.0 for U.S. editions of QuickBooks 2007
Posted by Jack - QODBC Support on 02 November 2017 02:10 PM

QuickBooks SDK 6.0 for U.S. editions of QuickBooks 2007

As of Date: 2006-07-13

QuickBooks SDK 6.0 Feature List  

QuickBooks SDK 6.0, scheduled to be released in the fall of 2006, will include a number of new features requested by IDN member developers. Of course, QBSDK 6.0 will also support all parts of our previous versions of the QuickBooks SDK, so software built using QBSDK 5.0 or earlier can be easily migrated to QBSDK 6.0.

Integration with Additional QuickBooks Products 

QuickBooks SDK 6.0 is expected to include the following new features for use with U.S. editions of QuickBooks 2007 and QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions 7.0:   

Enhanced Data Access -- Transactions

  • Support for BillPaymentCheckMod
  • Support for CheckMod
  • Support for CreditCardChargeMod
  • Support for CreditCardCreditMod
  • Ability to create Invoices (InvoiceAdd) from Sales Orders
  • Support for JournalEntryMod
  • Support for ReceivePaymentMod
  • Support for TimeTrackingMod
  • Ability to Query, Add and Delete Vehicle Mileage transactions
  • Ability to set and query the "IsToBeEmailed" field on Invoices & Estimates (in Query, Add, and Mod operations)
  • Support for "Other," "Other1," and "Other2" fields in all query, add & mod transactions
  • Change TimeTracking to use BillableStatus enum in place of IsBilled & IsBillable (to enable indicating that time added has already been billed)

Enhanced Data Access -- Lists

  • Support for AccountMod
  • Ability to Query, Add, Delete, and Modify Vehicle list elements.
  • Ability to query and modify the 5th address line (Notes
  • Support for creating special accounts (e.g., accounts payable,  accounts receivable, CostOfGoodsSold, UndepositedFunds, etc.) via a SpecialAccountAdd request
  • Support for creating special items (FinanceCharge, ReimbursableExpenseGroup, ReimbursableExpenseSubtotal) via a SpecialItemAdd request

Credit Card Transactions  (additional info available )

  • Accept only "masked" credit card numbers in SalesReceiptAdd, ReceivePaymentAdd, & ARRefundCreditCardAdd transactions
  • Enable identification of credit card present ("swipe") transactions
  • Provide a ClientTransactionID field for future use by the QBMS reconciliation feature


The QuickBooks SDK Documentation Suite is being improved with QBSDK 6.0. In particular, we expect to include the following:

  • new Onscreen Reference (OSR) that simplifies the lookup for supported requests and fields for a specified QuickBooks edition or set of editions and also has complete documentation
  • Improved QBFC documentation
  • QuickBooks Web Connector manual


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