[QODBC-Desktop] Troubleshooting - How to locate Employee Emergency Contact Information using QODBC
Posted by Jack - QODBC Support on 04 October 2017 06:46 AM

Troubleshooting - How to locate Employee Emergency Contact Information using QODBC

Problem Description:

Is it possible to retrieve an employee's emergency contact information? If so, from what table?


Employee Emergency Contact Information is added in QODBC V320. If you are using QODBC V319 or an earlier QODBC version, you need to download & install the latest QODBC version to access Employee Emergency Contact Information.

You can download & install QODBC's latest version by clicking here.

It would be best if you referred to the fields Employee table for Emergency Contact information.

1. EmergencyContactsPrimaryContactName

2. EmergencyContactsPrimaryContactValue

3. EmergencyContactsPrimaryContactRelation

4. EmergencyContactsSecondaryContactName

5. EmergencyContactsSecondaryContactValue

6. EmergencyContactsSecondaryContactRelation


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