[QODBC-Desktop] Troubleshooting - UNKNOWN EXCEPTION QODBC can't query specific table; crashes QuickBooks
Posted by Jack - QODBC Support on 03 August 2017 12:47 PM

Troubleshooting - UNKNOWN EXCEPTION QODBC can't query-specific table; crashes QuickBooks

Problem Description:

QB Desktop Enterprise 2017 Manufacturing & Wholesale R5_88 Successfully installed QODBC using Optimizer. Can query every table with QODBC Test Tool and MS Access, except:

UnitOfMeasureSet, UnitOfMeasureSetRelatedUnit, UnitOfMeasureSetDefaultUnit

Any query of these tables hard crashes QuickBooks!

When I execute the query:
Select * from UnitOfMeasureSet

Within 5 seconds of executing the query, QuickBooks crashed:


There is no entry in the QODBC log.

Can find below entries in the QuickBooks SDK log:

20170730.171449 I 7784 QBSDKProcessRequest Application named 'FLEXquarters QODBC' starting requests (process 7196).
20170730.171449 I 7784 SpecVersion Current version of qbXML in use: 13.0
20170730.171449 I 7784 QBSDKMsgSetHandler QUERY: Unit Of Measure
20170730.171450 E 7784 StorageInterface *** UNKNOWN EXCEPTION THROWN WHEN PROCESSING THE QUERY REQUEST ***. This is an indication of a possible internal QuickBooks error.


When you face this error, Please refer to QuickBooks SDK logs.

Please note the error:

20170730.171449 I 7784 QBSDKMsgSetHandler QUERY: Unit Of Measure
20170730.171450 E 7784 StorageInterface *** UNKNOWN EXCEPTION THROWN WHEN PROCESSING THE QUERY REQUEST ***. This is an indication of a possible internal QuickBooks error.

When you see error *** UNKNOWN EXCEPTION THROWN WHEN PROCESSING THE QUERY REQUEST *** in QuickBooks SDK logs. You should test the same on another company file to see whether the issue is related to the company file.

If you are still getting the same error in QuickBooks SDK logs with other company files, then some internal error might occur in processing the requests. To resolve this error, you need to get in touch with Intuit.

You can get in touch with Intuit using the below links:

Enterprise Support

QuickBooks Customer Service & Support

Contact Us - Intuit


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