[QODBC-Desktop] - [Fixed] Troubleshooting - QODBC Extremely Slow After Latest QuickBooks 2017 R5 Update
Posted by Jack - QODBC Support on 06 April 2017 12:16 PM

Troubleshooting - [Fixed] QODBC Extremely Slow After Latest QuickBooks 2017 R5 Update

Problem Description:

We updated to the latest QuickBooks 2017 Patch, officially known as Release R5P. After running seemingly OK for two days, QODBC is *extremely* sluggish, to the point of being unusable.

Suspecting possible optimizer cache issues, I removed the optimizer files and started rebuilding them via a manual call to rebuild InvoiceLine. After getting through 3000 invoices, QODBC just sat there, going no further. After 15 minutes, I ended up killing off the process. The QuickBooks desktop process took up 60% of the server's CPU time, so I had to reboot everything.

I then ran a Rebuild on the database and am attempting another rebuild to see if that helps. Reloading the optimizer data for tables line Item works very quickly. Are there any other suggestions for getting this working correctly again?


After upgrading to R5, if you are facing slowness compared to R4, this may be because QBSDK or QuickBooks R5 is performing slowly.

To resolve this issue,

1)Check for QuickBooks Releases - See if any newer release is available.

Update to the latest release of QuickBooks.



Intuit released a hotfix ("ULIP" update, off cycle) on April 11, 2017. Please update the QuickBooks application to the latest release. After the update, You should see the release as being R5_84.


2)Contact Intuit Support.

You can get in touch with Intuit using the below link & report the issue.

Intuit Support

Intuit Community Support

If you are still facing the issue.

3)Downgrade to QuickBooks 2017 R4 update.

Before you downgrade QuickBooks 2017 to R4, please raise a support ticket with Intuit and see if any other options are available.
Since there is no way to roll back just one update, You need to uninstall QuickBooks & reinstall QuickBooks up to the R4 update. You can use your R5 updated company file in R4. You will receive the warning to update QuickBooks y pressing "NO" in the warning box. You can use R5 updated company file in R5.

Also, You will receive a popup regarding QuickBooks Update. It would be best if you kept saying NO to the update until R6 comes out.




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Comments (6)
Gary B
10 April 2017 03:21 PM
Is QBE 2016 also adversely affected by the latest update?
11 April 2017 07:01 AM
Hi Gary,

We have noticed this issue in QuickBooks 2017 R5. We don't have information about if QuickBooks 2016 & other versions are affected or not. I would suggest get in touch with Intuit for detail about QuickBooks 2016 & another version.
Johan Rademan
11 April 2017 11:22 AM
Hi Jack,

1) Is the slowness only when using QODBC to access QB2017?

2) Is the data file safe or does the data also become corrupted?


12 April 2017 05:54 AM
Hi Johan,

After QuickBooks 2017 R5 update, QuickBooks SDK/ QuickBooks has become slow & as a result, you may face slowness in data fetching through QODBC.

Also, There is some error message like "This feature is not enabled or not available in this version of QuickBooks" logged in the Event Viewer.

We didn't receive any data corrupt complain from any of our QuickBooks customers.

We have checked new build R5_84 and found that the new build R5_84 is working as expected and does not have the issues which were in R5_78.

So If you wish you can download QuickBooks R5 and update it to latest and test it with your company file.
Johan Rademan
11 April 2017 11:25 AM
Hi Jack

A further question,

I have just this morning received a critical update and currently my version is R5P R5_84
Has this had any effect on the problem?


12 April 2017 05:56 AM
Hi Johan,

We have checked new build R5_84 and found that the new build R5_84 is working as expected and does not have the issues which were in R5_78.

So If you wish you can download QuickBooks R5 and update it to latest and test it with your company file.
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