[QODBC-Desktop] How to Use QODBC with NetBeans
Posted by Jack - QODBC Support on 19 December 2016 01:09 PM

Note: The JDBC-ODBC bridge driver was removed in Java 8, preventing ODBC drivers from being usable in newer versions of Java or other Java-based applications.

Refer: Oracle JDBC-ODBC Bridge

How to Use QODBC with NetBeans

QODBC enables access to various important data sources in business intelligence tools such as NetBeans. This article will show how to connect to QuickBooks data and import data with a query.

The steps below show how to access data from the QODBC for QuickBooks in NetBeans.

Open NetBeans IDE.


Create a new project using the menu File >> New Project.


Select Java Application & click "Next."


Enter Project Name & click "Finish."


A new Project will be created by clicking "Finish." Click the "Services" button to open the Service window.


You should see the Service window opened.


In the Service window, Click the Database node >> Drivers >> right-click on "JDBC-ODBC Bridge" and click "Connect Using.."


In the New Connection Wizard, enter the following connection properties & click "Test Connection":

  • Driver Name: JDBC-ODBC Bridge.
  • JDBC URL: JDBC:odbc: QuickBooks Data



Please Note: If you have a 64-bit application, you need to use QRemote 64-bit DSN "QuickBooks Data 64-bit QRemote".
Please refer: How to configure QRemote

Test Connection success. Click on "Finish" for the finish configuration.


Connection added. It shows the list of available tables.


Right-click on "Tables" & click "Execute Command..." to write an SQL query.


Enter the query in the Editor & click on the "Run SQL" icon.
In this example, I am fetching the Customer table records.
Select * from Customer


Query results are available with a list of the Customers.


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