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[QODBC-Desktop] Troubleshooting - Refunding Credit Cards - There was an error when parsing the provided XML file.
Posted by Jack - QODBC Support on 24 November 2016 11:09 AM

Troubleshooting - Refunding Credit Cards - There was an error when parsing the provided XML file.

Problem Description:

Hello, I am trying to refund CC payments in QuickBooks. I can create the credit memo. However, when attempting to add the refund using the following, it fails:

Insert into ARRefundCreditCardRefundAppliedTo (CustomerRefListID, CustomerRefFullName, RefundAppliedToTxnTxnID) values('80001E51-1445438531', 'Dude, Aaron - Homes Financial,' 'C5B2E-1479513412 ')

According to the following:

The only fields required on the insert are CustomerRefListID, CustomerRefFullName, and RefundAppliedToTxnTxnID.

And yet the insert above fails. I ensured that the three fields exist where RefundAppliedToTxnTxnID is the txnID of an existing credit memo. 

What am I doing wrong?


You need to include RefundAppliedToTxnRefRefundAmount in your query & test again.

Please refer to the sample query & test again.

Insert into ARRefundCreditCardRefundAppliedTo (CustomerRefListID, CustomerRefFullName, RefundAppliedToTxnTxnID, RefundAppliedToTxnRefRefundAmount) values('800000D0-1182061376', 'Allard, Robert,' '1B3D0-1513329686',123321)

To process a credit card refund, you must include CreditCard related information.

For Example:

Insert into ARRefundCreditCardRefundAppliedTo (CustomerRefListID, CustomerRefFullName, RefundAppliedToTxnTxnID,RefundAppliedToTxnRefRefundAmount, CreditCardTxnInfoInputCreditCardNumber,CreditCardTxnInfoInputExpirationMonth,CreditCardTxnInfoInputExpirationYear,CreditCardTxnInfoInputNameOnCard,CreditCardTxnInfoResultResultCode,CreditCardTxnInfoResultResultMessage,CreditCardTxnInfoResultCreditCardTransID,CreditCardTxnInfoResultMerchantAccountNumber,CreditCardTxnInfoResultTxnAuthorizationTime,CreditCardTxnInfoResultTxnAuthorizationStamp,CreditCardTxnInfoResultAVSStreet,CreditCardTxnInfoResultAVSZip,CreditCardTxnInfoResultCardSecurityCodeMatch,CreditCardTxnInfoResultReconBatchID,CreditCardTxnInfoResultPaymentGroupingCode,CreditCardTxnInfoResultPaymentStatus,CreditCardTxnInfoResultClientTransID) values('800000D0-1182061376', 'Allard, Robert', '1B3D0-1513329686',123321, '1234567890123456',5,18,'Test',1,'Success','a-436432','45522522',{ts '2016-05-05 00:00:00.000'},1,'Pass','Pass','NotAvailable','ss,1,'Completed','S-12347')

Note: Execution of the above requires the Company file to be subscribed to QuickBooks Merchant Account Services.

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Comments (2)
Brandon Crowell
02 May 2017 03:23 AM
Similar issue with QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise 17.0. Able to create a CreditMemo but when attempting to create the ARRefundCreditCardRefundAppliedTo record I get a 3120 error. Object "DA..." specified in the request cannot be found. I've tried with the insert with the 4 fields noted above (CustomerRefListID, CustomerRefFullName, RefundAppliedToTxnTxnID,RefundAppliedToTxnRefRefundAmount). The RefundAppliedToTxnTxnID is equal to the CreditMemo.TxnID.

Anything additional I should be doing?
02 May 2017 07:40 AM
Hi Brandon,

I would like to share that you will receive error "Error: 3120 - Object "Object Name/ID" specified in the request cannot be found" when you are using invalid reference value in your query. In your case, I think you are passing the invalid value in the "CustomerRefFullName", So please check the value of "CustomerRefFullName" & test again. You can verify it from Customer table FullName column.

If you are still facing the issue, I kindly request you to please raise a support ticket to the QODBC Technical Support department from below mentioned link & provide requested information:

We may need the following information, I kindly request you to attach below listed files when replying to the ticket.
1) Screenshot of QODBC Setup Screen -- > About
2) Screenshot of the issue you’re facing.
Share Entire Log Files as an attachment in text format from
3) QODBC Setup Screen -- > Messages -- > Review QODBC Messages
4) QODBC Setup Screen -- > Messages -- > Review SDK Messages

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