[QODBC-Desktop] Troubleshooting - Error 3180 - The credit limit for the name on this transaction has been exceeded
Posted by Jack - QODBC Support on 10 November 2016 07:33 AM

Troubleshooting - Error 3180 - The credit limit for the name on this transaction has been exceeded

Problem Description:

We use QOBDC Read Write With QuickBooks Enterprise 2007.

When trying to Save a SalesOrder with three SalesOrderLine, return this error:

[QODBC] Error: 3180 - There was an error when saving a Sales Order. QuickBooks error message: The credit limit for the name on this transaction has been exceeded.

This is by Credit Limit of the Customer in QuickBooks or transaction values in the insert query.

Some options to resolve this problem?


The credit limit for the customer on the Sales Order has been exceeded. Correct the customer's credit limit using the QuickBooks user interface.

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