[QODBC-Desktop] QODBC Quick Start Guide
Posted by Jack - QODBC Support on 09 September 2016 12:00 PM

QODBC Quick Start Guide

Download: QODBC 2023 Quick Start Guide (PDF)

QODBC Driver License Agreement



What is ODBC?

ODBC (Open DataBase Connectivity) is a specification designed by Microsoft to:

1. Allow Windows applications to access multiple data sources through a single method regardless of the underlying file formats;
2. Overcome the problem of different databases having different means of providing access to the information contained within them and;
3. Simplify access requirements so that the user does not need special skills to access databases.
4. In the same way Windows has created an environment where all applications have a similar look and feel, ODBC drivers make all database formats look the same.


What is QODBC?

QODBC is an ODBC driver (DLL) for QuickBooks data. , Our driver allows users of any application connected to ODBC data sources to read and write data contained in QuickBooks format files. QuickBooks, by default, stores its data in its proprietary database file format (.qbw).

QODBC accepts SQL (Structured Query Language) commands through the ODBC interface, then converts those calls to navigational commands to the QuickBooks application interface (QuickBooks SDK) and returns record sets that qualify for the query results. QODBC will not work without an installed QuickBooks application and SDK layer to read the data from the proprietary internal database.

If you are unfamiliar with the SQL language, you can find a tutorial here:


What can I do with QODBC?

QODBC opens your QuickBooks data to a whole new world of database connectivity.

·         If you own Microsoft Office, you can use Excel to extract company accounting or invoice information directly into a spreadsheet and create a chart.

·         Microsoft Word can run a customer mail merge for a customized batch letter directly from QuickBooks files.

·         Crystal Pro Report writer can create multi-file reports from QuickBooks data.

·         Microsoft Access or Embarcadero Delphi can merge QuickBooks data with other data sources to produce complex reports or run mass file updates based on multiple criteria.

This driver is transparent, invisible, and works like any other ODBC driver. QuickBooks application developers can now offer this driver to t eir customers, allowing them direct access to data vital to them through custom third-party applications. Business owners who require up-to-the-minute data to make inform d business decisions can have that real-time data instantly available in any one of hundreds of desktop applications.




Initial Setup

First, make sure the QuickBooks application is installed on the machine. QODBC cannot access your QuickBooks company file data unless QuickBooks is installed on the device. Click here to get the specifics on why the QuickBooks application is required.

Right-Click on the Install program (qodbc.exe) and click "Run as Administrator" to install the driver. For more information or help regarding installation, please click here.

You will be asked to select the Region of QuickBooks you are using. This should match the version of the driver you purchased.


Net, select the destination directory to install the QODBC support files. You can skip the Activation Key if you want to evaluate the prod ct before purchase. Click "Next" to continue.



The FLEXquarters QODBC Driver for  uickBooks® has been successfully installed on your computer. You can begin to use it immediately under the terms of the free  0-day evaluation. It will work with all editions of QODBC, depending on how it is configured. Note that the evaluation version limits inserts of records into Quickbooks to 20 per session.

Windows 8 and higher users, click here for additional details.

To install a fully purchased QODBC registration code to an evaluation copy from a previous download, see the Icons that have been added to your Start Menu under QODBC Driver for QuickBooks®.


The first step in configuring the driver is to click on the QODBC Setup Screen icon. The following screen will be displayed.




Click on the "Test Connection to QuickBooks" button to determine if you have a proper installation and settings with QuickBooks and a company file open. The following popup screen should appear:



Note: Please click here if you encounter a Windows security issue, or the Test Connection fails.

See QODBC Setup Options for more details on the options available.


The first use of QODBC after setup is complete.

Start the QuickBooks Application. QODBC cannot access your QuickBooks data unless QuickBooks itself is running.

Note: QuickBooks application and QODBC Test tool should be launched normally. Do not start the application as "Run as Administrator." 

Both ap locations should be running under the same Windows User context (Elevated=No)


Close QuickBooks and start QuickBooks usually. If the QuickBooks application is "Run as Administrator" (Elevate =Yes). If QuickBooks runs in Elevated Mode = Yes by default, then ensure Windows UAC is set to "Default" level, check QuickBooks application shortcut properties, and remove "Run as Administrator." Restart the machine and start the QuickBooks application again.



Log in to your company file as QuickBooks user "Admin." Switch to Single User Mode.

Click on the "QODBC Support Wizard" icon from the Windows start menu.

Follow the wizard instructions.

On the QODBC DSN Verification step, make sure it passes all the checks.

In case you see a warning icon.

Please check the "FIX" button so the QODBC Support Wizard can automatically fix the issue.


Troubleshooting with QODBC Support Wizard.

If you cannot connect to QuickBooks, re-run the Support Wizard, select "No, I am not able to connect to QuickBooks," and click "Next."

From the FAQs and Knowledgebase, you may select a more relevant topic or use the search button to search our knowledgebase for a more specific keyword.

If you still face any issues, report the issue to us by creating a support ticket.


QODBC Test Tool


    • Start the QODBC Test Tool from the "Start" and "Programs" and locate QODBC Driver for the QuickBooks program group. Click on the QODBC Test Tool icon to launch the program supplied with QODBC.

    • To establish the connection, select "QuickBooks Data"(Default DSN) and click on "Connect"

After you click "Connect," a QODBC splash screen will pop up if you are using the QODBC Evaluation version of the product, and a mouse click will allow you to continue. No splash screen appears in the registered version.


When QODBC tries to access the company file for the first time, QuickBooks will ask you for permission to allow the driver to access your QuickBooks company file.



Note: QODBC does have a digital certificate, but since another application (QODBC Test Tool) is trying to access QuickBooks through QODBC and QuickBooks does not know what the application is, it must ask you for permission.




  • Check "Allow this application to access this company file."
  • Uncheck "Prompt before Allowing Access."
  • Check "Allow this application to log in automatically."
  • Check "Allow this application to access Social Security Numbers, cc information, and other personal data" if appropriate.


This procedure needs only be done once on a computer for QODBC to connect with QuickBooks data from any other ODBC-compliant application in the future.


Additionally, if you plan to modify the files, you must choose "Multi-User Mode" from the Files menu in QuickBooks to allow this.






To change any of these options, from the QuickBooks Edit menu, select "Preferences" and then select "Integrated Applications."


  • Click the Company Preferences tab and make sure the "Don't allow any applications to access this company file" checkbox is not checked.
  • The "Notify the user before running any applications whose certificate has expired" checkbox can be checked.  If it is, however, automatic access will be suspended if the ap action's certificate expires.
  • Select the FLEXquarters QODBC driver you want to run automatically and click Properties.


After accepting the certificate, you can see we are connected to the QuickBooks company file.

You can view your customer data by clicking on the Run button or removing the default SQL statement and typing in your SQL statement to view the data you wish to display. To explore the data available in QuickBooks via QODBC, click her.


Testing Driver Capabilities

Once permissions have been granted in QuickBooks for QODBC to access the company file via the QODBC Test Tool and the Current Connection Window shows "QuickBooks Data," you can obtain a list of all the QuickBooks tables by executing SP_TABLES



To disconnect the QODBC Test Tool from your QuickBooks company file, Click the "Disconnect" button.


QODBC Frequently Asked Questions

The Frequently asked questions about this product are constantly changing, so we have a web page set up with these questions and answers. A more detailed FAQ can be found at:

  Tutorials and Documentation

Additional information can be found on our website, including a complete manual, step-by-step tutorials for popular applications, FAQs, data layout of QuickBooks, and video tutorials.



·         Data Layouts (Schema)

·         FAQ

·         QODBC Manual & QODBC White Papers


Step-by-Step Tutorials

·         Connecting to QuickBooks for the First Time

·         64-bit Applications

·         Microsoft Access

·         Microsoft Visual Basic and ADO

·         Microsoft Excel

·         Microsoft Word

·         Microsoft Office

·         Crystal Reports

·         Alpha Five

·         Microsoft SQL Server

·         Web Edition/Cold Fusion

·         Web Edition/PHP

·         Create Sales Receipts

·         Create Invoices

·         Purchase Orders

·         Create Bills

·         Deposits

·         Inventory Adjustments


Windows Support

QODBC version 2023 supports Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, and Windows 11.


Product Support

We offer a free, fully functional trial copy of QODBC limited to selected elements in the QuickBooks system. Those purchasing the product will receive installation support a  no charge for 30 days from the date of purchase. An FAQ section and a Help Desk support system are available for registered users and those evaluating QODBC. Program anomalies will be addressed at no charge, and updates wi laree posted on our website. Other issues may be subject to a fee.


The following methods can obtain support:


Forum Online Support:


Mail:                                      FLEXquarters USA Sales

                                       P.O. Box 1466  Clarkston, MI 48347

The most effective of these methods is the online support system via our website since you can attach an ODBC or SDK trace log to the message, and we can connect an updated product to you if we have a patch.


Product Updates


The latest updated versions will always be available online at our web page:


QODBC Credits

QODBC versions 2.x thru 23.x

For Microsoft Windows, Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, and Windows 11.


© Copyright 1995-2023, Limited, All Rights Reserved Worldwide


Portions of this product © Copyright Intuit Incorporated

QODBC is a trademark of Limited

QuickBooks Pro, QuickBooks Premier, QuickBooks Enterprise Solution, and QuickBooks Online Edition have registered trademarks of Intuit Incorporated.

Windows, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, and Windows 11 are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holder.


Version 2.0 First released October 2002
Version 3.0 First released January 2003
Version 4.0 First released November 2003
Version 5.0 First released October 2004
Version 6.0 First released November 2005
Version 7.0 First released October 2006
Version 8.0 First released September 2007
Version 9.0 First released October 2008
Version 10.0 First released September 2009
Version 11.0 First released October 2010
Version 12.0 First released October 2011
Version 13.0 First released September 2012
Version 14.0 First released September 2013
Version 15.0 was First released in September 2014
Version 16.0 was First released in September 2015
Version 17.0 was First released in September 2016
Version 18.0 was First released in September 2017
Version 19.0 was First released in September 2018
Version 20.0 was First released in September 2019
Version 21.0 First released September 2020
Version 22.0 was First released in August 2021
Version 23.0 was First released in September 2022


The program was published and supported by:

USA Mailing Address:
2620 S Maryland Pkwy Ste 14-557
Las Vegas, NV 89109-1692



Fax:                               801-306-6619


USA Sales Office:

FLEXquarters USA Sales

P.O. Box 1466

Clarkston, MI 48347


Voice:                           248-620-2400

Licensing Support:        248-620-2406 (Registered user activation/deactivation issues only)


Other Regional Sales Numbers:

Australia/New Zealand/Southeast Asia:   +61 3 9761 3644

International:   +1 248-620-2400


Brad Waddell and Matthew Froncek developed the program.

Documentation produced by Mark Kuznar, Brad Waddell, Rajendra Dewani and

Matthew Froncek.



Tags: configurations, permissions, user rights 

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