Troubleshooting - QXL 8004041a,80040420,8004041d Error
Problem Description 1:
I am trying to export data from QXL. But when I clicked on the QXL export button, I got the below error message.
Unable to connect to QuickBooks. Make sure QuickBooks runs on this machine and is logged in as Admin to the Company file. Make certain the QuickBooks Company file is in Single User Mode and try again. Or Try removing the QXL Integrated application certificate in QuickBooks. Steps: Start QuickBooks Pro/Premier/Enterprise, login to your company file as 'Admin,' switch to 'Single user mode,' go to File->Preferences, Select the integrated applications area, Select 'FLEXquarters QODBC,' Click Properties, verify it is QXL. Switch to QXL and click Export. Click OK, Remove the QXL-related integrated Applications.
Error Occurred: ERROR [00000] [QODBC] QB Begin Session Failed. Error = 8004041a. This application does not have permission to access this QuickBooks company data file. The QuickBooks administrator can grant access permission through the Integrated Application preferences.

Problem Description 2:
I am trying to export data from QXL. But when I clicked on the QXL export button, I got the below error message.
Unable to connect to QuickBooks. Solution: Try removing the QXL Integrated application certificate in QuickBooks. Steps: Start QuickBooks Pro/Premier/Enterprise, login to your company file as 'Admin,' switch to 'Single user mode,' go to File->Preferences, Select the integrated applications area, Select 'FLEXquarters QODBC,' Click Properties, verify it is QXL. Switch to QXL and click Export. Click OK, Remove the QXL-related integrated Applications.
Error Occurred: ERROR [00000] [QODBC] QB Begin Session Failed. Error = 80040420, The QuickBooks user has denied access.
Problem Description 3:
I am trying to export data from QXL. But when I clicked on the QXL export button, I got the below error message.
Unable to connect to QuickBooks. Make sure QuickBooks runs on this machine and is logged in as Admin to the Company file. Make certain the QuickBooks Company file is in Single User Mode and try again. Or Try removing the QXL Integrated application certificate in QuickBooks. Steps: Start QuickBooks Pro/Premier/Enterprise, login to your company file as 'Admin,' switch to 'Single user mode,' go to File->Preferences, Select the integrated applications area, Select 'FLEXquarters QODBC,' Click Properties, verify it is QXL. Switch to QXL and click Export. Click OK, Remove the QXL-related integrated Applications.
Error Occurred: ERROR [00000] [QODBC] QB Begin Session Failed. S0000 00000 [QODBC] QB Begin Session Failed. Error = 8004041d, This application cannot log into this QuickBooks company data file automatically. The QuickBooks administrator can grant permission for an automatic login through the Integrated Application preferences.
Please make sure QuickBooks runs on this machine, and the user is logged in as Admin to the Company file. Also, make certain the QuickBooks Company file is in Single User Mode and try to connect again.
It should pop-up Data Access Certificate on QuickBooks, Please accept the Certificate & test again.
If the above does not resolve the issue, Please start QuickBooks, log in as Admin, and Switch QuickBooks to single-user mode.
Try removing "Flexquarters QODBC" from the Integration Application in QuickBooks.
Please refer: To how to remove QODBC Related Certificates from Integrated Application Under QuickBooks.
After performing the above steps, try to connect again.