Troubleshooting - How do I update Customer custom fields
Problem Description:
How do I update Customer custom fields?
You can update Customer custom fields using the update query.
For Example: Update Customer Set CustomFieldContract='QODBCJOB1' where ListID='800000F2-1513344011'

And there you have it! To check that everything worked just do the following: Select ListID, Name, FullName, CustomFieldContract from Customer where ListID='800000F2-1513344011'

You can check it on QuickBooks, also.

You can insert Custom fields during Customer creation also. Please refer to the sample query for the same.
INSERT INTO "customer" ("Name," "LastName," "FirstName," "BillAddressAddr1", "BillAddressAddr2", "BillAddressCity," "BillAddressState," "BillAddressPostalcode," "CustomFieldBDay," "CustomFieldContract," "CustomFieldSpousesName") values('Juniga, Daphne,' 'Juniga,' 'Daphne,' 'Daphne Juniga,' '561 W 4th St.', 'Carlsbad,' 'CA,' '92009', '26/01/1987', 'QODBCJOB1', 'Jack')

And there you have it! To check that everything worked just do the following: Select Name, CustomFieldBDay, CustomFieldContract,CustomFieldSpousesName from Customer where Name='Juniga, Daphne'

You can check it on QuickBooks, also.
