Knowledgebase: TroubleShooting
[QODBC-POS] How to remove QODBC Related Certificates from Integrated Application under QuickBooks POS
Posted by Jack - QODBC Support on 11 April 2016 11:46 AM

How to remove QODBC Related Certificates from Integrated Applications under QuickBooks POS

Please follow the steps to remove QODBC Related Certificates from the Integrated Application Under QuickBooks POS:

Try removing all the integrated application entries in QuickBooks POS again via File Menu -> Preferences -> Company -> Integrated Applications Tab.

Switch to Integrated Applications

To know which application uses "QODBC POS" to communicate to QuickBooks POS.

You can check it from the Application ID & File Name.


To Remove, Select "QODBCPOS-APPLICATION," For Example, "QODBCPOS-MSACCESS.EXE," Click Remove and Save.

( If there are Multiple "QODBCPOS-APPLICATION" Listed, You may remove single Integration at a time)


Exit QuickBooks POS.

Please Start QuickBooks POS and Login Again to your Company file.

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