Troubleshooting - How to COMPUTE sum without COMPUTE clause
Problem Description:
The following selection gives me the correct data using DISTINCT, but how do I get a sum of it, which is what I need?
Select distinct billtopayduedate, billtopayrefnumber, and bill.vendorreffullname, billtopayamountdue, assetaccountreffullname from bill nosync, bill pay nosync, billitemline nosync, item nosync where account to pay. billtopaytxnid = bill. tuned and bill.ispaid=false and bill. txnid = billitemline. txnid and BillItemLine.ItemLineItemRefListID = Item.ListID and assetaccountreffullname like '%inventory%.'
I want my SELECT statement to return one number: a sum of all the records in "Bill to Pay" where one or more corresponding line items in the expense line or item line is for inventory.
In SQL, we do sum(column) and group by, for example:
SELECT Employee.PayrollInfoClassRefFullName, sum(Transaction.Amount) as Amount FROM Transaction, Employee where Transaction.EntityRefListID=Employee.ListID and Transaction.TxnType='Paycheck' and (Transaction.TxnDate >= {d'2017-01-01'} and Transaction.TxnDate < {d'2018-01-01'}) Group by Employee.PayrollInfoClassRefFullName
To total all the BillToPay amounts, you do the following:
Select sum(BillToPayAmountDue) as OpenAPBalance from BillToPay
To total all the BillToPay amounts involving stock (inventory) only and not expenses, you do the following:
Select sum(BillToPayAmountDue) as OpenInvtBalance from BillToPay, BillItemLine where BillToPay.BillToPayTxnID = BillItemLine.TxnID and BillItemLine.ItemLineSeqNo = 1