Knowledgebase: TroubleShooting
[QODBC-Desktop] Troubleshooting - How do I void an Invoice?
Posted by Jack - QODBC Support on 09 March 2016 01:06 PM

Troubleshooting - How do I void an Invoice?

Problem Description:

I don't see any indicator in the Invoice table. How do I void an Invoice? And How do I query for invoices that have been voided? 


You can use SP_VOID just like you would use DELETE. It will void the invoice instead of deleting it.

For Example:

SP_VOID FROM Invoice WHERE TxnID = '1B03F-1513346399'

You can use the below query to get a list of Voided Invoices.

Select RefNumber, CustomerRefFullName, and Memo from Invoice, like 'VOID:%.'

If no InvoiceLine is returned, you can resync your optimized InvoiceLine table by running:

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