Knowledgebase: QODBC Online
[QODBC-Online] How to run a Profit and Loss Report in QODBC Online
Posted by Jack - QODBC Support on 27 November 2015 11:05 AM

Typical Profit and Loss Standard Report in QuickBooks Online

Report Displayed in QODBC

Stored Procedure Command

       With QODBC Online, the same report can be generated using stored procedure reports like this:

       sp_report ProfitAndLossStandard show RowData, Amount_1 as Amount
       parameters DateMacro = 'ThisYearToDate'

Predefined DateMacro Options

      All the predefined DateMacro options available to you are:


Display in QODBC


Change report to use "Cash" reporting

Stored Procedure Command

      To change these reports to use "Cash" reporting, add the ReportBasis parameter:

      sp_report ProfitAndLossStandard show RowData, Amount_1 as Amount
      parameters DateMacro = 'ThisYearToDate', ReportBasis='Cash'

ReportBasis Options

      The options are: |Cash|Accrual|None|


Typical Profit and Loss Detail Report in QuickBooks Online

Report Displayed in QODBC

Stored Procedure Command

       With QODBC Online, the same report can be generated using stored procedure reports like this:

       sp_report ProfitAndLossDetail show RowData, TransactionType, DocumentNumber, Name, Memo, Split, Amount, Balance
       parameters DateMacro = 'ThisYearToDate'

Predefined DateMacro Options

      All the predefined DateMacro options available to you are:


Display in QODBC


Change report to use "Cash" reporting

Stored Procedure Command

      To change these reports to use "Cash" reporting, add the ReportBasis parameter:

      sp_report ProfitAndLossDetail show RowData, TransactionType, DocumentNumber, Name, Memo, Split, Amount, Balance
      parameters DateMacro = 'ThisYearToDate', ReportBasis='Cash'

ReportBasis Options

      The options are: |Cash|Accrual|None| 


Also, Refer

How to use the QuickBooks Reporting Engine with QODBC Online

List of Reports available in QODBC Online

List of Parameters available in ProfitAndLossStandard report

List of Parameters available in ProfitAndLossDetail report



Tags: QuickBooks Online, QBO, QODBC Online, online report, Profit and loss report


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