[QODBC-Desktop] How to get Conversion Ratio information from UnitOfMeasureSetRelatedUnit Table in QODBC
Posted by Jack - QODBC Support on 26 October 2015 05:59 AM

How to get Conversion Ratio information from UnitOfMeasureSetRelatedUnit Table in QODBC

Conversion ratio information is stored in a table called UnitOfMeasureSetRelatedUnit.


How to get Conversion Ratio information from UnitOfMeasureSetRelatedUnit Table in QODBC.


We can get conversion ratio information by using INNER JOIN on SalesOrderLine Table.

We can get conversion ratio information by comparing UnitOfMeasureSetRelatedUnit.ListID and SalesOrderLine.ListID

Please refer below-mentioned query for conversion ratio information:

Select S.RefNumber, S.TxnDate, S.SalesOrderLineItemRefFullName, S.SalesOrderLineQuantity,
S.SalesOrderLineRate, U.UnitOfMeasureType, U.Name, U.BaseUnitName, U.RelatedUnitName,
U.RelatedUnitConversionRatio From UnitOfMeasureSetRelatedUnit U
INNER JOIN SalesOrderLine S ON S.SalesOrderLineOVerrideUOMSetRefListID = U.ListID

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