[QODBC-Desktop] Troubleshooting - How to Re-Link QuickBooks Data in MS Access using QODBC
Posted by Jack - QODBC Support on 28 August 2015 09:29 AM
Troubleshooting - How to Re-Link QuickBooks Data in MS Access using QODBCProblem Description 1:We are adding invoice records to QuickBooks using an Access front end. When we create the records and try to insert them into QuickBooks, the line items seem to go, but when the invoice header is inserted, we get an error that the Child Record must be inserted before Header Record in BuildXMLHeader. I have examined the data being passed, and it all looks correct. Problem Description 2:I upgraded my QuickBooks Premier Plus Professional Services to 2016 (from 2014). I skipped updating to 2015. Problem Description 3:I just updated QuickBooks Enterprise 14 to Enterprise 23. Using an Access database 2013 32-bit. I get an error when trying to process a Packing list in Access to invoice in QuickBooks. Problem Description 4: I have an MS Access database containing QuickBooks Data as the linked table. Recently I changed my Optimizer file path & after changing the Optimizer path, I am facing a slow performance issue. Solutions:You need to re-link MS Access linked table to resolve the issue. Delete the old linked table & re-link it. After changing the optimizer file path, you need to re-link the linked table in MS Access because your MS Access Linked table contains an old Optimizer file path.
Please keep QuickBooks running, Log in as Admin to your company file, and try to connect again with MS Access. If the above does not resolve the issue, please download the latest QODBC version. Skip the CDKEY Step during installation. Restart the Machine after a new version is installed (if prompted) If the Above Solutions don't work, please post a ticket to us, and we will further investigate your issue. Tags: Re-link linked tables, Re-link table, Re-add table, Re-Add linked tables, Refresh Linked tables, ODBC-Connection to 'QuickBooks Data' failed, #Deleted,[#Deleted],ODBC--call failed, call failed, #Deleted | |