Troubleshooting - How to give refund to existing CreditMemo using QODBC
Problem Description:
How can I apply a refund check to an existing credit memo using QODBC?
In QuickBooks, I can refund by opening the Create Credit Memos/Refunds dialogue box using the QuickBooks UI and finding the credit memo for that customer. In the dialogue box icon bar, click on "Use the credit to give a refund."
You can use the CheckApplyCheckToTxn table and the Insert Only table to create a check to pay off a credit memo. You can give refunds to an existing credit memo by using the below queries:
INSERT INTO CheckExpenseLine (AccountRefListID, ExpenseLineAccountRefListID, ExpenseLineAmount, ExpenseLineMemo, ExpenseLineCustomerRefListID, ExpenseLineBillableStatus, FQSaveToCache) Values ('20000-933270541', '40000-933270541',80, 'Test Memo,' '800000E2-1513333899', null,1)
Insert into CheckApplyCheckToTxn ( AccountRefListID, PayeeEntityRefListID, TxnDate, ApplyCheckToTxnTxnID, ApplyCheckToTxnAmount) values ('20000-933270541', '800000E2-1513333899',{d'2017-12-18'},'1B3C0-1513338090',80)
After executing the above queries, you can see CreditMemo as Refunded in QuickBooks.
You can get ApplyCheckToTxnTxnID from the TxnID field of the CreditMemo table for that particular Transaction by using the below query.
SELECT TxnID, RefNumber FROM CreditMemo where RefNumber='1268'