[QODBC-ALL] Difference between QODBC for QuickBooks Desktop and Online.
Posted by Jack - QODBC Support on 06 May 2015 10:20 AM

Difference between QODBC for QuickBooks Desktop and Online.

Table Differences:

Number of Tables available in

QODBC DesktopQODBC Online
150 83

List of Tables available in QODBC Desktop

List of Tables available in QODBC Online

List of Tables available via API from QuickBooks Online

Report Differences:

Number of Reports available in

QODBC DesktopQODBC Online
93 22


List of Reports available in QODBC Desktop

List of Reports available in QODBC Online

List of Reports available via API from QuickBooks Online 

Stored Procedure Difference:

Stored Procedure which is not working in QODBC for QuickBooks Online:

Store Procedure Name
sp_batchclear TableName
sp_batchstart TableName
sp_batchupdate TableName


QODBC Desktop Stored Procedures Command-List


Also, Refer

Detailed Difference between QODBC for QuickBooks Desktop and Online.



Tags: QuickBooks Online, QBO, QODBC Online, difference


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Comments (2)
Allan Barnwell
08 July 2015 06:30 PM
How can the BarCode table be accessed? It doesn't appear in the list of available tables.
09 July 2015 08:15 AM
Hi Allan,

You can get a Barcode table in QODBC Latest version.

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