[QODBC-Desktop] Inserting invoice lines built from external data using MS Access
Posted by Jack - QODBC Support on 05 August 2014 12:42 PM
Question:I've built a table in Access of invoice lines to be added to existing invoices. I have the TxnID and all the necessary xxxxListID fields etc., with the item, quantity, and values coming from other sources. So "all" I have to do now is to feed these records, one by one, into an INSERT INTO . . . VALUES . . . statement. I'm an experienced Access user, but a VBA-by-the-seat-of-my-pants-because-I-can't-find-a-good-training-course user - as I suspect many others may be! Answer:You are on the right track. InvoiceLineRate is a decimal, but if you try inserting it as a string, "'Me.InvoiceLineRate' should be "Me.InvoiceLineRate, without single quotes. Question:Thank you for your usual prompt reply, but then it asks me for my value of Me.InvoiceLineRate and the insert fail with Runtime Error 3155 - Incorrectly built XML from Update start (#10045). I thought I had already posted the first part of this reply, so forgive me if this is a repeat. I didn't receive a notification that my post had been accepted. Answer:[QODBC] Incorrectly built XML from Update Start (#10045) Question:I checked all my listings and TxnID - I can query them and return the correct record. I reduced to one connection - to the open QB file, deleted the OPT files (one in Program Files, one in Documents and Settings - eh? There seems to be a disparity between using 'Configure QODBC data source' and 'QODBC Setup screen') and switched off optimization, re-booted (on principle) and tried this in VBDemo: Answer:When you add lines to an existing invoice, use the line detail columns only and not any of the header details, as the Invoice header already exists, and don't use FQSaveToCache. For example:
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but the different part of it is that i dont have a existing invoice i need to add a new invoice using vb and will reflect it in the quickbooks
Please refer below mentioned article for creating New Invoice using QODBC:
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