How can I find the Check Register/Checkbook using QODBC?
Problem Description:
I am trying to pull all the data in the "Check Register" section of QuickBooks Enterprise 14 into my Excel spreadsheet. (What is the name of the table or a table that contains this module's data?) Can you help me find this table via QODBC?
You can find "check" related entries from Tables Check, CheckItemLine, CheckExpenseLine, and CheckApplyCheckToTxn table. Also, you can get check details by executing the:
sp_report CheckDetail shows TxnType_Title, RefNumber_Title, Date_Title, Name_Title, Item_Title, Account_Title, PaidAmount_Title, OriginalAmount_Title, TxnType, RefNumber, Date, Name, Item, Account, PaidAmount, OriginalAmount parameters DateMacro = 'ThisMonthToDate.'
[Note: (where ClearedStatus = 0) for uncleared Cheques ]
Please refer to below mentioned the article. You can get detailed information about how to execute sp_report in QODBC:
How to use the QuickBooks Reporting Engine with QODBC
If you are looking for QuickBooks UI >> Banking >> Use Register window. I want to inform you that the Use Register field is not available through the Intuit QuickBooks SDK; thus, this information is unavailable through QODBC.
QODBC is an ODBC driver for QuickBooks. It uses the QuickBooks SDK to communicate with QuickBooks, which means if Intuit doesn't expose one feature to the application in SDK, QODBC could not do it either.