Knowledgebase: Data & Table
[QODBC-Desktop] How to Find S.O Number Information of Sales Order in QODBC
Posted by Rajendra Dewani (QODBC Support) on 11 January 2013 12:23 PM

How to Find S.O Number Information of Sales Orders in QODBC


Sometimes QODBC may have the field name the same as in QuickBooks. You cannot find S.O Number or P.O Number in QODBC, but QODBC does have a field in these tables to store the information.

Find them using QODBC :

In QODBC, we use the field RefNumber to store this information. You can find the RefNumber field in many tables, which store different records in different tables. In the SalesOrder table, it stores S.O Number:

And in other tables:

In the PurchaseOrder table, RefNumber stores P.O Number information

In the Invoice table, RefNumber stores Invoice # information

In Bill and Vendor Credit tables, RefNumber stores Ref. No. information

In Check and BillPaymentCheck tables, RefNumber stores Check Number information. Please refer to the screenshot to see where it stores in QuickBooks:


Keywords: sonumber

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Comments (2)
14 July 2015 01:42 PM
So you are saying I cannot find the "S.O. #" at all in Invoice or InvoiceLine tables?? I need to link to SalesOrder table for that one field? I tried that, and no success yet.... my client doesn't normally use SalesOrders, but each invoice is still given a S.O. #, maybe that is a problem?
15 July 2015 12:12 PM

I would like to inform you that SONumber in the Invoice table is not available through the Intuit SDK so they are not available through QODBC.

QODBC is an ODBC driver for QuickBooks. It uses the QuickBooks SDK to communicate with QuickBooks, which means if Intuit doesn’t expose one feature to application in SDK, QODBC could not do it either.

The SONumber is normally obtained from the SalesOrderLinkedTxn table linked transactions for the Invoice.
But if you don't create invoices from sales orders, there are no SalesOrderLinkedTxn linked transactions.This query will show the SONumbers for you:

SELECT Invoice.TxnId, SalesOrderLinkedTxn.TxnId, Invoice.RefNumber, SalesOrderLinkedTxn.RefNumber AS SONumber FROM Invoice LEFT OUTER JOIN SalesOrderLinkedTxn ON SalesOrderLinkedTxn.LinkedTxnTxnID = Invoice.TxnID
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