Knowledgebase: Data & Table
[QODBC-Desktop] How to Run Payroll Summary Report / Paycheck Transactions using QODBC
Posted by Rajendra Dewani (QODBC Support) on 11 January 2013 09:37 AM

How to Run Payroll Summary Report / Paycheck Transactions using QODBC

Report in QuickBooks


Paycheck transaction information is not stored in a separate table, but you can refer to the Payroll Summary report in QuickBooks to view the payroll records of each employee.

How to Get This Report in QODBC

Here is the SQL statement:

sp_report PayrollSummary show Label, Text, RowData, AmountHours,
AmountRate, Amount, AmountPreviousPeriodHours, AmountPreviousPeriodRate, AmountPreviousPeriod,
AmountPreviousYearHours, AmountPreviousYearRate, AmountPreviousYear
Parameters DateMacro='ThisWeek'

Sample result using QODBC & QODBC Test Tool:

You can add the order keyword to your query to list the report by Employee Name.

In case you want to limit or filter the records, you can use the WHERE clause

sp_report PayrollSummary show Label, Text, RowData, AmountHours,
AmountRate, Amount, AmountPreviousPeriodHours, AmountPreviousPeriodRate, AmountPreviousPeriod,
AmountPreviousYearHours, AmountPreviousYearRate, AmountPreviousYear
Parameters DateMacro='ThisWeek' where  Label='Salary'

To Know more about the parameters available, Please run the below command:

sp_parameters PayrollSummary

The sample output in QODBC Test Tool.


Keywords: filetype php intext payroll summary 2021

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Comments (6)
Abdul Rana
07 August 2014 11:25 AM
Unfortunately the documents mentioned in QODBC reports related to Payroll are not opening.
Do you have any other documentation/ link available for this? Apparently we cannot run this report until we don't have Intuit Payroll subscription.
03 September 2014 11:02 AM
Hi Abdul,

Thank you for informing us about broken links. It seems page is not available.
The fixing of a page might take some time. Please refer How to get information about Tables and Columns.
Please use SP_columns tablename command in VB Demo to know list of fields and their details.

sp_columns TableName

Please refer:
Anna P.
13 January 2015 11:20 PM
Hello, thanks a lot for this helpful information!
I am looking for historic employee rates, and it seems that Paycheck Transactions are the ones that are saving rates, hours and amounts at each payroll date.
Do I understand correctly, that this Payroll Summary report is the only way to get access to this data, there is no actual table available? May it be added in the future? It would be really helpful for job cost analysis if these historic rates could be joined with timetracking table.
Thank you!
15 January 2015 10:39 AM
Hi Anna,

I would like to inform you that the QuickBooks SDK does provides output of the report but does not provide information on how those data are derived or which tables are used in those reports.

QuickBooks SDK does not expose information regarding how the report is built, what are the tables used or logic part and thus it is not available in QODBC.

All QODBC do is request for the Report information from QuickBooks SDK and QuickBooks is the one processing it and sending the output. QODBC formats that output to data table format.

>> It would be really helpful for job cost analysis if these historic rates could be joined with timetracking table.
I'm sorry to inform you that the historic rates is not available through the Intuit SDK so they are not available through QODBC.

QODBC is an ODBC driver for QuickBooks. It uses the QuickBooks SDK to communicate with QuickBooks, which means if Intuit doesn’t expose one feature to application in SDK, QODBC could not do it either.

Anna P.
27 January 2015 07:20 PM
Thank you very much, this is helpful. Before I completely give up on historical rates, could you please comment on following: I found a 'Rate' column in TimeTracking table, but it is always empty in my queries. QuickBooks SDK onscreen reference does not list such object for TimeTrackingQuery. Could you please comment on where this column is coming from, and what we may need to do (maybe in QuickBooks) to get data in it? Thank you!
23 February 2015 02:40 PM
Hi Anna,

I'm sorry to inform you that the Rate is not available through the Intuit SDK so they are not available through QODBC.

QODBC is an ODBC driver for QuickBooks. It uses the QuickBooks SDK to communicate with QuickBooks, which means if Intuit doesn’t expose one feature to application in SDK, QODBC could not do it either.
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