[QODBC-Desktop] HY111 database connector error invalid bookmark value
Posted by Rajendra Dewani (QODBC Support) on 12 September 2012 02:29 PM


"HY111 database connector error invalid bookmark value" on crystal report when refreshing the report.



This could be the issue with the company file or Optimizer.

I kindly request you follow the steps and let us know if that resolves the issue.

In QuickBooks, Verify & Rebuild Company file
On QODBC Setup Screen -> Optimizer -> Turn On the Optimizer and Click Reload All Data.
Try your SQL Statement with VBDemo/Crystal Reports

If you are still facing the issue, Login to any Sample company file of QuickBooks and follow the above step.

If the Sample file can work, I guess this could be the issue with your company file and some data on your company file.

If the Sample file can NOT work, I guess this could be an issue with QuickBooks or QODBC Configuration. I would suggest trying the report/query on a different machine.

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