[QODBC-Desktop] The Schema Rules Differences Between Local QuickBooks and QBOE
Posted by Wilson (QODBC Support) on 17 February 2012 07:49 AM

Schema Rules in QuickBooks Online Edition

The Schema Rules Differences Between Local QuickBooks and QBOE


Schema rules in QuickBooks Online Edition are different from the local QuickBooks version. This article lists all table modes available in local QuickBooks but not in QBOE.


Table Name Description
Account Queryable, insertable but not updatable
Bill,BillExpenseLine,BillLinkedTxn Queryable, insertable but not updatable
Check,CheckExpenseLine Queryable, insertable but not updatable
Class Queryable, insertable but not updatable
Company Queryable, not insertable and not updatable
CreditCardCharge,CreditCardChargeExpenseLine Queryable, insertable but not updatable
CreditCardCredit,CreditCardCreditExpenseLine Queryable, insertable but not updatable
CreditMemo,CreditMemoLine,CreditMemoLinkedTxn Queryable, insertable but not updatable
Customer Queryable, insertable and updatable
DateDrivenTerm Queryable, insertable and not updatable
Employee Queryable, insertable and updatable
Entity Only queryable
Host Only queryable
Invoice,InvoiceLine,InvoiceLinkedTxn Queryable, insertable and not updatable
ItemService Queryable, insertable and updatable
JournalEntry,JournalEntryCreditLine,JournalEntryDebitLine,JournalEntryLine Queryable, insertable and updatable
PaymentMethod Queryable, insertable and not updatable
ReceivePayment,ReceivePaymentLine Queryable, insertable and not updatable
SalesReceipt,SalesReceiptLine Queryable, insertable and not updatable
StandardTerm Queryable, insertable and not updatable
TimeTracking Queryable, insertable and not updatable
Vendor Queryable, insertable and updatable
VendorCredit,VendorCreditExpenseLine,VendorCreditLinkedTxn Queryable, insertable but not updatable


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