[QODBC-Desktop] Troubleshooting :QuickBooks Error: Transaction Not in Balance
Posted by Juliet (QODBC Support) on 04 November 2011 03:22 AM

Troubleshooting: QuickBooks Error: Transaction Not in Balance

Problem Description

The QODBC report Error: 3180-There was an error when saving a General Journal transaction.

QuickBooks error message: Transaction not in balance.

When trying to do some insert or upgrade work to Journal Entry.


When we insert or update toward Journal Entry, the credit and debit lines must be kept in balance in one account.

Sample Query

Here is an example:

INSERT INTO "JournalEntryCreditLine" ("JournalCreditLineAccountRefListID","RefNumber", "JournalCreditLineEntityRefListID", "JournalCreditLineAmount", "JournalCreditLineMemo", " FQSaveToCache ") VALUES ('20000-934380912','1', '120000-933270541', 1.11, 'Test Memo 1', 1 )

INSERT INTO "JournalEntryDebitLine" ("JournalDebitLineAccountRefListID","RefNumber", "JournalDebitLineEntityRefListID", "JournalDebitLineAmount", "JournalDebitLineMemo", " FQSaveToCache ") VALUES ('8000008F-1197954502','1', '120000-933270541', 1.11, 'Test Memo 1', 0 )

Note: The JournalCreditLineAmout in CreditLine must equal JournalDebitLineAmount in DebitLine. Also, please note the FQSaveToCache field. It should be 0 only in the last line.

If you want to know more about creating Journals Entries, please refer to How to create Journal Entries using QODBC for more.

Keywords: accountlistid

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