[QODBC-Desktop] Severe delay between connection creation and command execution in VB Code
Posted by Juliet (QODBC Support) on 20 October 2010 08:48 AM

Troubleshooting: Severe delay between connection creation and command execution in VB Code

Problem Description

Below is a simple application running a QODBC stored procedure and dumping the results into a .NET DataSet. The command line app below seems to freeze for approximately 6 minutes before completing successfully (regardless of whether QuickBooks is running or not).

Module Module1

Public Sub Main()

Dim strQB, strQBPath As String
Dim conQB As New System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection

If Environment.GetCommandLineArgs.Length = 2 Then

strQBPath = "Q:\corporate\test.qbw"

'* QuickBooks Database Connection
conQB.ConnectionString = "Driver={QODBC Driver for QuickBooks};DFQ=" & strQBPath & ";OpenMode=F;OLE DB Services=-



strQB = "sp_report CustomTxnDetail show Date, AccountNumber, Account, AccountType, Amount, Class parameters DateFrom

= {d'2010-07-01'}, DateTo = {d'2010-07-31'}, SummarizeRowsBy = 'TotalOnly'"

Dim da As New System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataAdapter(strQB, conQB)
Dim ds As New DataSet
da.Fill(ds, "Transaction")


End If

End Sub

End Module

In the SDK message file, we could see a 6-minute delay between "Connection opened by..." and "Opening the file..."



Add an attribute " <MTAThread()> _" before the main code as follows:
And please see the link for more:

Module Module1
<MTAThread()> _
Public Sub Main()
Dim strQB, strQBPath As String
Dim conQB As New System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection

'If Environment.GetCommandLineArgs.Length = 2 Then

'strQBPath = "Q:\corporate\test.qbw"
strQBPath = "C:\work\temp\QODBCQA\sample.qbw"
'* QuickBooks Database Connection
conQB.ConnectionString = "Driver={QODBC Driver for QuickBooks};DFQ=" & strQBPath & ";OpenMode=F;OLE DB Services=-2;OptimizerOn=No;"


strQB = "sp_report CustomTxnDetail show Date, AccountNumber, Account, AccountType, Amount, Class parameters DateFrom = {d'2010-07-01'}, DateTo = {d'2010-07-31'}, SummarizeRowsBy = 'TotalOnly'"

Dim da As New System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataAdapter(strQB, conQB)
Dim ds As New DataSet
da.Fill(ds, "Transaction")


End Sub

End Module

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