[QODBC-Desktop] How to get the table schema rules
Posted by Juliet (QODBC Support) on 16 March 2010 08:59 AM

Online Data Layouts Source  

    We have provided the tools to help you determine where field information comes from in QuickBooks, which tables contain the information you want, how tables can be related, and sample SQL statements. Please click here to check.

Using SP_COLUMNS in QODBC Test Tool

     You can also use the stored procedure command SP_COLUMNS table name in QODBC Test Tool to get the EXACT table schema rules for the QuickBooks Company file you have open. The last few columns have QUERYABLE, UPDATEABLE, and INSERTABLE and will show you the related tables for each table in QODBC via a column named RELATES_TO.

     You need to run the query such as "sp_columns Customer" in QODBC Test Tool:

    See also: How to use the QODBC Support Wizard

    See also: How to use the VB Demo for testing

    See also: VB Demo is missing

QODBC Stored Procedures Command-List

Click here to view the List of all Stored Procedure commands

How to use QuickBooks Reporting with QODBC

Click here for more information

Data Formats & Data Layouts

How QODBC Interfaces with QuickBooks

We have provided tools to help you determine where field information comes from in QuickBooks, which tables contain the information you want, how tables can be related, and sample SQL statements.

GENERAL TABLE INFORMATION: Designed to be your starting point for information research, these lists tell you the table name, how it is used, which other tables it can be related to, and a QuickBooks screenshot to demonstrate where the table information originates from.

DETAILED TABLE/FIELD INFORMATION: This tool shows you the detail of each field in a table, how it is used, and its relation to other tables/fields (if any).

RELATIONSHIPS: We have provided one-click access to table/field relationships at both the table and the field levels.

REPORT DETAILS: For sp_reports (stored procedure reports), you can get information about columns and parameters for each piece.

Click on the country version of QuickBooks Pro or higher you are using.

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Keywords: Data Layouts, Data Format, Data Definition, Table Schema, Table Design, Tables & Fields, Table Field Types, Field Types, What does field type mean

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