[QODBC-Desktop] How to perform INSERTs, UPDATEs, and DELETEs using OPENQUERY with Linked MS SQL Servers
Posted by Juliet (QODBC Support) on 16 March 2010 08:35 AM
Note: OpenQuery requires a result set to be returned, but UPDATE, DELETE, and INSERT statements used with OpenQuery and QODBC do not return a result set. WORKAROUNDYou can work around this problem in the following two ways: Use four-part namesCan use four-part names (linked_server_name.catalog.schema.object_name) to do insert, update, or delete operations, such as: SELECT ListID, Name FROM QODBC...Customer Note: In this example, I'm only using the linked_server_name "QODBC," so it's followed with three full stops. With the SQL Server OLE DB providerAs documented in SQL Server Books Online, reference the OpenQuery function as the target table of an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement, subject to the capabilities of the OLE DB provider. The following queries demonstrate proper usage with the SQL Server OLE DB provider: UPDATE OEPNQUERY Update openquery(QODBC, 'select InvoiceLineDesc from InvoiceLine WHERE TxnID = ''6130-1197786604'' And InvoiceLineTxnLineID = ''7133-1197736106'' ') SET InvoiceLineDesc = 'New Desc 10001' Note: There are two single quotes (') around the value (i.e. 6130-1197786604 & 7133-1197736106) not double quote ("). INSERT OPENQUERY Insert openquery(QODBC, 'select Name,LastName,FirstName,BillAddressAddr1,BillAddressAddr2,BillAddressCity,BillAddressState, Example of creating a new InvoiceInsert openquery(QRemote, 'select CustomerRefListID, RefNumber, InvoiceLineItemRefListID, InvoiceLineDesc, InvoiceLineQuantity, InvoiceLineAmount, InvoiceLineSalesTaxCodeRefListID from InvoiceLine where TxnID=''0''') values ('670000-1071517519', '7047', '320000-1071525597', 'POWER TRAK-2000', 1, 130,'20000-999022286') Example of adding InvoiceLine item to an existing InvoiceInsert openquery(QRemote, 'select TxnID, InvoiceLineItemRefListID, InvoiceLineDesc, InvoiceLineRate, InvoiceLineAmount from InvoiceLine where TxnID=''0''') values ('1B308-1513325705','320000-1071525597', '88880DECA', 5,5) OR Insert into QRemote...InvoiceLine (TxnID, InvoiceLineItemRefListID, InvoiceLineDesc, InvoiceLineRate, InvoiceLineAmount) VALUES ('1B308-1513325705','320000-1071525597', '11440DECA', 5,5) DELETE OPENQUERY Delete openquery(QODBC, 'select ListID from customer where ListID = ''300000-1081400329'' ') Note: There are two single quotes (') around the value (i.e., 300000-1081400329), not double quotes ("). Note: In the INSERT statement, a where should be either ListID =''0'' or TxnID=''0'' depending on your query field. The ListID =''0'' or TxnID=''0'' predicate is used to avoid retrieving data from the remote server, resulting in slower performance. Also, UPDATE and DELETE operations have special QODBC requirements. See also: How to create a Link Server with MS SQL 2005/2008/2012 32-bit Using QODBC/QRemote How to create a Link Server with MS SQL 2005/2008/2012 64-bit Using QODBC/QRemote Problem Description:I have a QODBC stored procedure that I have proved and tested in the QODBC 32-bit Test Tool. Now, I need to call it from a SQL command while specifying the linked server. Can you provide an example SQL statement?
sp_columns and sp_columns_ex are returning no records using the QODBC driver and SQL Server. Other queries are returning data.
Solutions:You can execute sp_report from SQL Server using the below sample query: For Example: select * from openquery (YourLinkedServerName, 'sp_report salesbyrepsummary show label, amount_1 date parameters DateMacro = ''Today''') select * from openquery (QRemote, 'sp_columns Account') select * from openquery (QRemote, 'sp_report salesbyrepsummary show label, amount_1 date parameters DateMacro = ''Today''') select * from openquery (QRemote,'sp_report PurchaseByItemDetail show TxnType_Title, Date_Title, RefNumber_Title, Memo_Title, SourceName_Title, Quantity_Title, UnitPrice_Title, Amount_Title, RunningBalance_Title, Text, Blank, TxnType, Date, RefNumber, Memo, SourceName, Quantity, UnitPrice, Amount, RunningBalance parameters DateMacro = ''ThisMonthToDate''') select * from openquery (QRemote,'sp_report ProfitAndLossStandard show Text, Label, Amount_1 as Amount, Amount_1_Title as "As of" parameters DateMacro = ''ThisMonthToDate'', SummarizeColumnsBy = ''TotalOnly'') In the same way, you can run other reports. You can change parameters & report columns as per your requirements. How to use the QuickBooks Reporting Engine with QODBC
Select Select * from QRemote…Account or select * from OpenQuery (QRemote, 'select * from Account') Note: If your SQL statement contains a where clause, use OpenQuery. When using OpenQuery 'where' clause (filters) will be sent to QODBC, and data retrieval will be faster. Example: select * from OpenQuery (QRemote, 'select * from Account where FullName=''MyAccount''')
Setup of Optimizer When Using OPENQUERYThe QODBC optimizer is a single user only, so you need to set up a different optimizer file for the SQL Server to use than the other desktop applications. To do this, step up a separate System DSN (see: How do I create or configure a QODBC DSN?) and specify a fixed location of the optimizer database folder for SQL Server to use instead of the default %AppData% method.
Keywords: SQL server update table | |
update openquery([QODBC], 'select SalesRepRefListID,SalesRepRefFullName,TxnID from Invoice WHERE TxnID = ''1111'' ') SET SalesRepRefListID='5555',SalesRepRefFullName='REP' WHERE TxnID = '1111'
I would like to share you that update query which is showing in above article will update single line records only. If all records are updated at your end, then I kindly request you to please raise a support ticket to the QODBC Technical Support department from below mentioned link & provide requested information:
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1) Screenshot of QODBC Setup Screen -- > About (Start>>All Programs>> QODBC Driver for use with QuickBooks>> QODBC Setup Screen >> About Tab )
2) Screenshot of the issue you’re facing.
3) Share the SQL statement you’re using.
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