[QODBC-ALL] & [QXL- ALL] Stored Procedures Command List
Posted by Juliet (QODBC Support) on 28 July 2009 08:04 AM
[QODBC-ALL] & [QXL- ALL] Stored Procedures Command ListApplicable to [QODBC-Desktop], [QODBC-Online], [QODBC-POS], [QXL- Desktop] & [QXL- Online]
Stored ProceduresSP_COLUMNS table name Instruction: Returns a recordset of the columns in the specified table. Example: sp_columns Customer Returns:
SP_FQSAVETOCACHEROLLBACK on|off Instruction: Sets or clears whether the cache is backed up or reset if an error occurs when doing multiple inserts using the FQSaveToCache flag field. The off mode can help with performance if the rollback is not needed. The default is on. Example: sp_fqsavetocacherollback off Returns: This is an execute the command and does not return a recordset.
SP_LASTINSERTID Instruction: Returns a recordset with one row (or multiple rows if done after a sp_batchupdate command) and two columns containing the last ListID or last TxnID from the last insert done and its error status on the current connection. The value is obtained from the return value of the previous insert (or inserts if done inside a sp_batchstart/sp_batchupdate block) performed on the same connection for that table. Example: sp_lastinsertid Customer Returns:
SP_LASTINSERTIDRETURN on|off Instruction: Sets or clears whether the last insert ID is returned. Example: sp_lastinsertidreturn off Returns: This is an execute the command and does not return a recordset.
SP_OPTIMIZEFULLSYNC tablename|ALL Instruction: This command will reload the specified table from scratch. It helps ensure that the optimizer perfectly syncs with the QuickBooks company file. The ALL option will do all tables. Example: sp_optimizefullsync Customer Returns: This is an execute the command and does not return a recordset.
SP_OPTIMIZEUPDATESYNC tablename|ALL Instruction: This command will synchronize the specified table with the QuickBooks data file using changed and deleted data. It helps ensure that the optimizer is up to date with the QuickBooks company file. The ALL option will do all tables. Example: sp_optimizeupdatesync Customer Returns: This is an execute the command and does not return a recordset.
SP_PRIMARYKEYStablename Instruction: Returns a recordset of the primary key segments in the specified table. Example: sp_primarykeys Customer Returns:
SP_QBFILENAME Instruction: This command returns the full path to the open QuickBooks company file. It returns one column, one-row record set. Example: sp_qbfilename Returns:
*Note: sp_report and other reports commands are unavailable for QODBC POS. QuickBooks POS SDK does not support reports, and thus it is not available in QODBC POS. SP_REPORTtablename [show] Instruction: Similar to the SQL Keyword SELECT. Used to run built-in QuickBooks reports. See http://www.qodbc.com/data, make your country selection, then select the REPORTS link. Example: sp_report ARAgingSummary show Current_Title, Amount_Title, Text, Label, Current, Amount parameters DateMacro = ‘Today', AgingAsOf = ‘Today' Returns:
SP_REPORTS Instruction: Returns a recordset of the information of all reports. Example: sp_reports Returns:
SP_SPECIALCOLUMNS tablename [ ROWVER ]|[ BEST_ROWID ] Instruction: Returns a recordset of the special columns. RowVer describes which column holds the row ID, and Best_RowID describes the column that is the row identifier. Best_RowID is the default if neither is specified. Example: sp_specialcolumns Customer Best_RowID Returns:
Example2: sp_specialcolumns Customer RowVer Returns:
SP_TABLES table name Instruction: Returns a recordset with the list of tables available from the ODBC Driver. Example: sp_tables Returns:
SP_CATEGORIES Instruction: Returns a recordset with the list of the categories for all the tables. Example: sp_categories Returns:
SP_CATEGORYTABLES Instruction: Returns a recordset with the list of all the tables and the categories they belong to. Example: sp_categorytables Returns:
SP_CATEGORYREPORTS Instruction: Returns a recordset with the list of all the reports and the categories they belong to. Example: sp_categoryreports Returns:
SP_FOREIGNKEYS table name table name Instruction: Returns a recordset of the detailed relationship information of two tables. Example: sp_foreignkeys Customer Invoice Returns:
SP_PARAMETERS Instruction: Returns a recordset with the list of the detailed information of parameters of each report. Example: sp_parameters Returns:
SP_STATISTICS tablename Instruction: Returns a recordset with the list of all the indexes and a list of statistical information of the specified table or indexed view. Example: sp_statistics Customer Returns:
Keywords: last insert id | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
In case QuantityOnHand returning the null value, Please change the following value on the Optimizer tab and try again.
QODBC Setup screen --> Optimizer --> Under "For balances and stock quantities" select Either "Dirty Reads"/"Real Time"
Please refer:
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