[QODBC-Desktop] How to see Pending Uninvoiced Sales in the Sales Order Table using QODBC
Posted by brad waddell on 12 March 2009 05:21 PM

An Example of Seeing Pending Uninvoiced Sales in the Sales Order Table

Query SalesOrder Table

To do this, you can query the SalesOrder table using a where IsFullyInvoiced = False clause like below:

      SELECT TxnNumber, CustomerRefFullName, TxnDate,
      RefNumber, TotalAmount FROM SalesOrder
     where IsFullyInvoiced = FALSE

Compare with Pending Sales Report

      sp_report PendingSales show
      TxnNumber, Name, Date, RefNumber, Amount parameters
      DateMacro = 'All' where RowType='DataRow'

Note: The report result below should match this:

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