[QODBC-Desktop] How to run Job Profitability Summary Report Using QODBC
Posted by brad waddell on 12 March 2009 05:21 PM
How to run Job Profitability Summary Report Using QODBCNote: When trying to extract a report showing total profitability per customer for all jobs. A sp_report named Job Profitability Summary could get what you want. Syntax in QODBCNormal Syntax in QODBC sp_report JobProfitabilitySummary show AmountActualCost_Title, AmountActualRevenue_Title, AmountDifferenceActual_Title, Text, Label, AmountActualCost, AmountActualRevenue, AmountDifferenceActual parameters DateMacro = 'ThisYearToDate', SummarizeColumnsBy = 'TotalOnly' Syntax with Parameters If you're only interested in Customers with Jobs, then adding a Where RowType = 'SubtotalRow' will only show the totals: sp_report JobProfitabilitySummary show AmountActualCost_Title, AmountActualRevenue_Title, Syntax with Single Line Total for each of the clients If you want to be able to get a single line total for each of the clients, including any jobs which may or may not exist for each client, try the query below: sp_report JobProfitabilitySummary show AmountActualCost_Title, AmountActualRevenue_Title,
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