[QODBC-Desktop] How to view details on what QODBC is performing / Display Driver Status / Display optimizer Status
Posted by Rajendra Dewani (QODBC Support) on 14 April 2014 04:06 PM
How to view details on what QODBC is performingProblem Description:QODBC and my application are not responding. How can I know what QODBC is performing in the background? Solution:You can enable the QODBC status panel via Start >> All Programs >> QODBC Driver for use with QuickBooks >> Configure QODBC Data Source. Go To the "System DSN" Tab, select "QuickBooks Data" DSN & click "Configure." Navigate to the "Message" tab ->Select "Display Driver Status" and "Display optimizer Status" options.
Then the next time you run a query if you see "Waiting for QuickBooks," It means QuickBooks is taking time to process the request. There will be a status panel at the lower right corner of your screen, showing a window with information on what QODBC is working at.
Please note the step on which QODBC spends the most time or gets stuck and share it with us.
Suggestion: Suppose you have a large QuickBooks company file with several years of data.
Tags: configurations, why QODBC is slow. QODBC not responding | |
No, There is no way to change it programmatically.
I would like to share that Messages Tab settings are stored in ODBCINST.INI file.
C:\ProgramData\QODBC Driver for QuickBooks\odbcinst.ini
To enable Driver Status Panels. You can add below line in ODBCINST.INI file.
DebugPanel = Yes