Knowledgebase: Microsoft Products
[QODBC-Desktop] Microsoft Access 2003 and QODBC
Posted by Rajendra Dewani (QODBC Support) on 12 November 2012 03:43 PM

QODBC and Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Access 2003 and QODBC

Creating a Table in Microsoft Access

Note: Microsoft Access has many uses and will allow you to use your QuickBooks data files similarly to Access databases.

     Selecting the menu File -> New -> Blank database.


     Here is a Microsoft Office Access blank database. A default database filename, db1, appears in the box. You can edit this to a more relevant name, such as QB Link.mdb. Save the file as type "Microsoft Office Access Databases." Click on Create.


     Click the New button -> Link Table -> OK. (You can also select the Import Table option to import the QuickBooks data into the Access project, but the imported data will not be updated along with it in QuickBooks.)



     In the popped-out window, change the "Files of type" list to the setting for "ODBC Databases."


     Then comes up with the Select Data Source window.

     Select the QuickBooks-related DSN you set up with the QODBC driver. This can be one of our pre-installed DSN names or one that you have created. (Here, I choose the default DSN as the example.)


     Select one or more QuickBooks tables to add to your Microsoft Access project and click OK. (Here, I add the table Customer, for example.)


     Your QuickBooks tables are now part of your Microsoft Access project as externally linked tables. This does not mean the data in these tables have been imported into Access, but rather that Access will open and work with the live QuickBooks data files, using QODBC to communicate with them.


     Double-click the table name to bring up the data grid view.


     In this grid, you can modify, delete, and add new records to your QuickBooks table per QuickBooks's table/field accessibility. Your QuickBooks files are connected live to your Microsoft Access applications.

Note: When you run across an application that is not fully ODBC compatible, oftentimes, they do support getting data from Access tables. To make this application work with QuickBooks tables, you can run the Microsoft Access setup, as shown above. Then have this application use the MS Access ODBC driver to talk to the Access database you created, linked to QuickBooks tables. This middleware approach allows us to support nearly any application, even if not fully ODBC compliant.


Also, Refer :
How to Use QODBC with Microsoft Access 2007
Using QuickBooks Data with Access 2010 (Import Tables) 32-bit
Using QuickBooks Data with Access 2010(Linked Tables) 32-bit
Using QuickBooks Data with Access 2013(Import Tables) 32-bit
Using QuickBooks Data with Access 2013 (Linked Tables) 32-bit
How to Configure QODBC to Work With 64-bit MS Access

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Comments (2)
John Merritt
23 September 2014 06:38 PM
QODBC - We have QB Pro 2013 and QB Customer Mgr V2.5. I want to access the Customer Mgr data in Access 2003. Can I do it with QODBC? What is the cost?
24 September 2014 09:29 AM
Hi John,

QODBC is supporting QuickBooks USA versions 2015-2002, UK or Canadian 2015-2003. QuickBooks Pro, Premiere and Enterprise editions. QODBC is not supporting to QuickBooks customer manager 2.5.
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